Oh The Victories of Chocolate Cake
Mood: Freakin' Out
Location: My Shit-Hole Apartment
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Way Too Much Diet
Listening To: Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake
THE DATE WENT WELL! *sparkles*
Okay, so it wasn't a date. But it still went well : )
Well at least, it did once we actually left the damn school.
Let me explain.
I showed up all happy to be go out on the town with Mello, because you know, I had this whole "omg i have money becuase I posed in transvestite gear for that jerk-off Leon huzzah huzzah!" mood, you know? XD No, Leon, before you start your bitching, you are not really a jerk-off. I love you. You know I do. Srsly.
ANYWAY what I'm meaning to say here is that I showed up and, well, we didn't go right away.
Becuase Angel Boy is a freakin BADASS.
Okay that might be pushing it, admittedly, but he was apparently forgetting that he had this MOTORCYCLE RACE to do with this chick named Weddy (friend from school I guess) to do, and that I woudl have to wait. I got to watch, though. And i was like "LOL OKAY 8D" cuz i'm just like that, and anyway watching Angel fly around on a motorcycle is pretty frikkin' awesome, you must admit.
So I get out all ready to meet Angel's friends. And at first, hey hey, it goes SUPER well. This super awesome girl named Halle - in the coolest leather jacked in the universe, btw - got introduced first, and she was pretty cool. I kind of suspected at first that she was the girlfriend (Jade) but she wasn't. If she had been, I would have been happy - at least, happier. Becuase SHE was cool.
Jade was not.
Sorry, Angel, but your girlfriend's a whore. At first she wasn't so bad, unless you count clinging to Mello and practically clinging to him ike a siamese twin as bad. (I don't know if I do or not.... but she called him this really obnoxious nickname - which i cannot reveal because it would reveal his real name, sorry. But trust me - it was rediculous.) Anyway i was obscenely jelous, and i figured that's why i hated her at first. But I kinda notice that event hough she's clinging to Mello the whole time, she's (not to seem like a gloater or anything) she's kind of not paying attention to him completely. In fact, she's paying more attention to my crotch.
(I know)
At first i think I'm just imagining it, but then Halle sends Angel off to do his thing, right? And I'm expecting her to follow him - since she's a clinger type - or at least seem a little glum that he's gone, or even at the VERY LEAST mention him in conversation. But somehow she ends up plastered to MY side and jabbering away like a manaic.
(yeah. i know.)
So we get down to the bleachers to watch them in their race, which I'm secretly SUPER excited to be watching, because that's really pwn. And I'm TRYING to ignore dear Jade (which is hard, because she keeps putting her hand on my thigh and pressing her chest against my shoulder when she talks, which is extremely discomforting) by talking to Halle. She's pretty cool, and actually seems like she tottaly understood the "gay" thing wayyyy before Jde did (if she EVER did) becuase when we were talkng, well, it went something like this: