2 - TW; slur!

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Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp
August 9th, 4:00 AM

(Miles' POV)

"Ugh.." I grumble at Dylan's loud announcement

"RISE AND SHINE COUNSELORS AND CAMPERS! Time for Breakfast!" He echoes through the speakers before they cut.

I shuffle out of bed, fixing my underwear and putting on shorts & a t-shirt. Grumbling, I glance over at Abi who looks just as tired and is changing into her clothes.

"Hey, Abi.." I rub my eyes. "Pass me my deodorant."

She nods with a yawn and grabs it after a few misses, and hands it over. I ply my deodorant on and yawn.

"Time to start the day." I sigh. Abi nods.

"God, I hate Summer Camp." Abi grumbles. "Love the kids though."

"At least we share a cabin. I've got group C today. What about you?" I grin, resting my hand on my hip.

"Wait, what?" Emma perks up. "The schedule says I have Group C."

"You're lying. I guess there was a mix up." I huff. "What group's left out."

"Ugh.. It's the smelly boys." Emma grumbles as she looks at the weekly sheets. "Well, since, I'm supposed to have Group C, I'll take group C. Back me up babe?"

"Huh..?" Jacob scratches his back as he snaps awake. "I mean- Right, Emma is supposed to have Group C, so, back off." Jacob mutters as if recited this millions of times.

"Fine. Whatever." I roll my eyes, I'm not gonna lie to say I feel bad for jock boy. "I'll take Group E."

"Thanks, love you guys!" Emma blows me an obnoxious kiss and kiss Jacob on the cheek, leaving a freshly applied lipstick stain there.

"Isn't she amazing?" Kaitlyn remarks with a scoff.

"I know, right, she needs to be more like Abi." Nick replies, crossing his arms.

"Screw off, guys, sure she's a little meaner than you guys, but she's not a bad person." Jacob scoffs, shuffling out of bed and putting on his outfit before storming out to get his group.

"God, he needs to open his eyes." Dylan rolls his eyes as he walks in. "I heard a little bit. What happened?"

"Emma being a dickhead again." I remark and Dylan nods, letting out a little 'Ah'

"Nothing new." Ryan adds. "Let's go, guys."

"Going!" I walk out, to my group of guys, who were eating.. grass. Of course. "Hey boys! We'll be going to the art cabin, and talking about how to write a story." All of the 8-12 year olds look at me and get up.

"Alright, Miles." One of the older boys says ans the youngest grins and nods.

"Let's go!" I walk off with the group to the cabin, opening the door quietly, as not to interrupt Abi, who was carefully instructing them on how to paint. "Alright guys. Settle around." I lead them to a little area to the side, with a couple desks and a whiteboard. "What can you tell me about writing?"

That started my day, since me and Emma started the day off bad, she's been out to get me all day, first was an annoying interruption about needing a pencil, may I add she didn't need the pencil, she just used the chance to complain about them being to small, or too sharp, or too gritty, she kept getting her kids to bang on the window, she even screamed ten times louder then she needed to outside my window. Once the day was over I walked into the cabins and flopped on my bed. I heard the bathroom door open, my eyes widened as I saw Jacob in a towel, low around his waist, showing off his happy trail and v-lines, my eyes trail up to his eyes, catching his abs, pecs, biceps, before I lock eyes with him, and averting my eyes to his wet hair around his forehead, come to think of it, it looked like he barely dried.

"Like what you see?" Jacob teases. "Sorry, I've got a girlfriend."

"Oh. Yeah sorry, didn't mean to be a perv." I remark.

"Well, look while you can." Jacob's demeanor changes. "I'll be more careful, I'm not a faggot like you. Don't want men swooning for me."

I felt that, like a hot knife straight into my heart. "What the fuck?" I glare at him. Then I hear that witch's cackle. Emma emerges from the bathroom, linking arms with Jacob as he drops his towel and starts changing. They then begin walking out, Emma still laughing.

I drop into my bed, holding back the tears I didn't know were welling in my eyes. Holding my knees to my chest. Abi and Dylan run over.

"What the fuck? Why was Emma laughing so hard?" Dylan looks back, Abi runs over to me.

"Ah- Miles? What happened?!" She asks, pstting my back.

"Fucking.. Emma and Jacob. Being the fucking popular couple they are." I huff, wiping my eyes and sitting up. "Thought it was a good idea to call me a slur."

"What the fuck?" Dylan's face almost darkens from anger. "I'll go talk some fucking sense into that asshole. You guys stay here."

"Ah.. No need." I huff, crossing my arms.

"I'm doing it." Dylan storms out, with one goal in mind, everyone else walks in, besides Emma and Jacob and flops in their beds.

"You good?" Kaitlyn asks. I nod reluctantly. "If you say so."

"What's up?" Nick asks, sitting next to Abi and I. "Tell us."

"Just Jacob and Emma being absolute dicks." I remark.

"As always." Ryan rolls his eyes. "It'll be fine."

Ryan lays in his bed, rolling under the blankets to change. Kaitlyn changes and gets in her bed. Nick nods and gets into his bed, undressing. Abi moves to her bed to change into my pjs. I follow, undressing into my underwear and lying still in bed, until I fall asleep.

(Jacob's POV)

"Dude. What the fuck?" Dylan grabs my arm. Emma snickers and slips away. "You can't just fucking go around saying slurs you asshole."

Ah fuck, this. I already feel guilty, I don't think lowly of Miles because he's gay. "No, Dylan, wait." I try to fumble out an excuse. "I don't-"

"You don't fucking THINK that's what." He jabs his finger between my pecs. "Open your brain, dimwit. You can't say whatever to whoever."

"I'm sorry but-" I try to explain but he cuts me off.

"Miles didn't do anything to you. Not one thing, him and Abi are the nicest here. Just because your narcissistic asshole of a girlfriend decided to pick on him today, doesn't mean you can be a dick." I feel a pang of anger hit me full force and I lose it.

"You know what, Dylan? Join your faggot friend then. You're one of them aren't you? I bet you two are dating. Don't fucking talk about Emma like that. You don't know her." I shout at him. Louder than ever. He stares in disbelief before shaking his head and walking off. That's when I realize what I said.

"That was amazing, baby." Emma presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth. "Let them know who's boss."

"Thanks, Babe." I nod, feeling the guilt eat at my stomach. "Let's go to the dorm and go to bed, yeah?"

"Of course." She smiles, leading me back to the dorm, hands interlocked, and then the feeling goes away, replaced by warm butterflies.


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