Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp
August 23rd, 11:30 AM

"Okay, now what?" Kaitlyn asks, unamused. Jacob, I, Nick, Dylan, Kaitlyn, Ryan and Abi all gather in the nurses office with a severely wounded Nick.

"Well, we should call for help. We need some more defense, one gun can't protect us all. We could also do with a safe place." I remark.

"Great. Jacob, Miles, you two find us more defense." Kaitlyn states.

"Ryan and I can go call for help." Dylan says with a nod at Ryan, who nods back.

"Cool, I'll look for a safe place, Abi, you and Nick stay here." Kaitlyn says bluntly.

"Yeah, sure." She nods sheepishly, helping Nick lay down to rest.

Me and Jacob walk out, and outside. "There could be stuff in the confiscated room." I suggest.

"Emma took the last fireworks and the only gun." Jacob says, crossing his arms. "What about the kitchen?"

"A knife? Seriously? Against a monster that Abi described?" I shake my head.

"Sorry.. Stupid idea." Jacob mutters.

"No- It's.. It's the best we've got." I huff, walking down and across the hall to the kitchen with Jacob, passing through the nostalgic tables still messy from the kids. "It feels like a lifetime ago they were here."

"At least they're safe." Jacob scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Lucky fucks."

"Don't be so rude, Jacob." I glare at him and he pouts, annoyed. "But you'd be right. They are safe - and lucky - but no need to be salty."

Jacob and I collect the larger knives, and Jacob takes a filet knife for himself. I nod at him and he nods back. We begin walking back to the kitchen, when jacob pulls me aside in hiding and covers my mouth, holding me close. I stare at him as I hear Kaitlyn shout.

"What the fuck?! Why are you attacking a teenager?!" She frantically shouts before coughing and running away, darting past us, we follow her.

Us three dart into the nurses' office with Abi and Nick and shut the door. Hearing the intruder's loud walking get closer we all hide. As he wanders around we help Nick out the window, all of us clambering out and walking away.

"Holy fuck." I sigh quietly, walking with the rest of them, almost sneaking.

"We're safe- for now, here. We'll hide in the cabin." Kaitlyn begins pushing on the door. I hear rustling. She starts slamming on the door to open it. "Fuck."

"Uhm.. Guys..?" Abi mutters, pointing out the rapidly approaching.. monster thing. We all step back.

"Give me a second." Kaitlyn starts kicking at the door, Jacob tries to help.

A loud gunshot rings and the monster runs off. I hear glass pittering onto metal and see ryan in the doorway. Kaitlyn knocks down the door with Jacob's help and we scurry in, shutting the door.

I cover my ears as I hear the ear piercing screams of the P.A. before it breaks. "What the fuck?" I mutter.

We all run out, meeting with Ryan and Dylan. "Let's go to the pool." Ryan states.

"Good idea." Kaitlyn nods.

"Jesus christ." Dylan mutters.

"Okay, okay, guys, lets go." Jacob waves us along. "We're sitting ducks out here."

We all walk off to the pool house as a loud shot can be heard. We run to the pool in the back, climbing through a hole in the fence.

"What. The fuck?" Ryan mutters as we spot a dead body, which can only be described as Kaylee Hackett.

"Holy shit." Kaitlyn whispers out. "She's dead."

Abi clings to Nick, who was acting
weird, and we all noticed that his wound was healed.

"Nick. let go of me.." Abi struggled quietly. "Nick. fucking let go."

"Abi.. You smell so good, so tasty.." Nick whispers.

"What the fuck, Nick? Fuck off." I glare at him.

"Shut up." He mutters, snarling angrily.

"Fucking let go of her." Kaitlyn glares, approaching.

"Fuck off, Kaitlyn." Nick glares.

"Dude, get off me!" Abi shoves him into the pool and he startes yelping in pain and splashing around. Once he calms down Jacob and Ryan help him out of the water.

He's shivering, whining, like a wet dog. We lead him into the poolhouse and grab the heater, putting it in his face and making him a towel bed to dry him off. Abi sits with him while the rest of us discuss what's next.

"We should leave him." Jacob states coldly.

"What?? We can't do that." Dylan says, annoyed.

"Why can't we? He's being real fucking creepy." Jacob argues, I nod, acknowledging his statement.

"His wound is also gone." I mutter. "What could that mean?"

I hear angry growling and yelling from Nick and we all turn to look at what's happening, getting a burst of blood on our faces as he turns into a monster. He throws Abi into a wall and we all freeze. Kaitlyn throws her the gun and she takes it as he pounces at her, shooting him. and doing absolutely nothing to him.

"What the fuck?!" I shout as he runs away.

"Oh my god.." Abi mutters as she stands up. "I just shot Nick.."

Me and Kaitlyn run over to comfort her, holding her close in a hug.

"That wasn't Nick.. Whatever that was." I mutter.

"It wasn't him." Kaitlyn agrees.

"What the hell?" Dylan shift his head to the door. "I swear I heard knocking."

"Hello? You guys gonna let me in?" A woman's voice comes from behind the door.

"Uhh, who are you?" Ryan says, taking the gun back from Abi.

"Laura, Laura Kearney." Laura(?) states from behind the door.

"Wait.. Ryan." Dylan says. "She's one of the two missing counselors."

"How do I know you're really Laura?" Ryan states. "What did you sign up for?"

"I was supposed to be the camp's nurse." Laura states, annoyed. "Now let me in."

"I'm not letting you-" Dylan opens the door as Ryan tries to speak. "In.."

"Thanks." She nods. "I appreciate it." She nods sarcastically at Ryan, before sitting down and telling us her story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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