When Love Clashes

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"I'm not discussing this!" Senku yelled over his shoulder as he fished the apartment keys out of his pocket

"Oh, I see! So, you don't wanna admit you cheated? Don't you!" You huffed, following your boyfriend into the apartment, "Just how many..." You mumbled.

"How many, what?" The scientist quirked his eyebrow up.

"How many times did you cheat on me with her!!!" You yelled. Your voice gets louder and louder with each word that spat out of your mouth.

"None!" Senku fired back, his voice getting a bit too louder.

"Ha! Yeah right!" You turned your back to face him.

"Well, you're wrong! As if I'd ever cheat on you!"

The both of you were so loud that neighbors began knocking on your apartment door to see what was going on and if you were okay. But due to how loud you two were shouting, you couldn't hear their shouts behind the door.

"Lies, lies, lies! Everyone knows that you and Luna are an item! You practically said you'd be her boyfriend right in front of me!" You sniffled, small tears leaking from the corners of your eyes.

"I didn't mean it!" Senku growled, "I only said that so she'd get off of my back! I love you, Y/n! You! Only you!"

"B-Bastard!" You hiccuped.

"It's true!"

"Whether it's fake or not...," You sniffled, "You still cheated!"

"Y/n..., you spend an awfully lot of time with Gen, but I don't accuse you of cheating!" Senku said, lightly placing a hand on your shoulder, turning you around to face him. You avoided his eyes by closing yours and turning your head the other way.

"Everyone knows that Gen is gay! Heck! We invite him over for sleepovers all the time!"

"That may be true, but it doesn't make this situation any better!" Senku snarled.

"Oh, and letting someone be your girlfriend when you already have one, does?!"

"Maybe if our relationship wasn't so bad, I wouldn't have to go seeking a girl that's ten billion percent better than YOU!"

You blinked twice after Senku spat out those awful words. Tears began to flow out of your eyes. That's when Senku realized what he had just said and immediately regretted it.

"Y/n... I-I'm so sorry-" The scientist said in a much calmer voice, but it was too late. You pushed past him and locked yourself into yours and Senku's bedroom of the apartment. You could hear Senku cursing from behind the thin piece of oak that separated you both.

'Maybe if our relationship wasn't so bad, I wouldn't have to go seeking a girl that's ten billion percent better than YOU!' Senku's words hurt so badly. A knife through your heart. You reached up and gripped your chest, feeling your heart breaking into a thousand tiny pieces.

You hugged your legs to your chest, tears streaming down your face as you dialed Gen and Kohaku's number. Gen didn't pick up his phone, so you phoned Kohaku who did answer almost immediately.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end of the line asked. You could hear commotion on the other end. Some yelling and clanking of metal. You assumed Kohaku was working out with Kinro and Ginro again, and Amaryllis picked up the phone.

"Hey Amaryllis, is Kohaku there?" You sniffled, hugging your knees to your chest even tighter.

"Yeah, she's just working out as usual with both Kinro and Ginro." Amaryllis said, "Are-Are you okay, Y/n?"

Senku x Reader: Dr. Stone Smut One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now