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Heya chat, It's ya boy Sora, I currently have Bad stuck in the basement while I write this chapter, which is gonna be a little special as you'll soon see. With me and Bad's (YesYes for those who aren't in the discord) crossover coming up and apparently happening next chapter (chapter 32 as of now) we decided making a bit of lore that will make sense in the coming time, and since Bad doesn't know jack shit about Murder Drones (the primary fandom that my story and character are associated with) I suggested the idea of ME writing this chapter and Bad Beta reading it, essentially the 2 of us swapping roles, so without further ado I hope this chapter will be satisfactory the the great YesYes's wattpad (Also Fanfic, also Ao3) story.



Ford stepped through the portal, falling to his knees as his head and body attempted to kill him from the inside. While he had figured out how to travel the dimensions it took an extreme toll on his body, and annoyingly, he didn't know the coordinates for any of them so he was practically guessing every time he tried to get home.

When his head finally stopped trying to rip itself into pieces he looked into the sky and was greeted with something unexpected compared to the other dimensions he had visited: a blue sky. Most of the dimensions he happened upon, while not always drab in color, almost never had blue skies like earth did so it was a surprise when he did find one.

He looked around to gather his bearings and realized he was back on earth, or at least a version of it. Buildings reached as high as skyscrapers, maybe even surpassing them, vehicles drove up and down the roads so it was a more modern era at least, there were also what looked to be... Humanoid robots? Robots colored white with black detailing were everywhere, some following after humans and some on their own, just how modern was this place? Was he in a dimension farther into the future than his own world? The only robots his world had were rudimentary ones that followed basic coded instructions. Now that he looked closer they kinda looked like the one that got dragged back out the portal along with McGucket. Maybe he could figure out how to repair it while here?

He stood up, dusting off his coat and started walking. He didn't know where to go but anywhere was better than standing in one spot. He was so distracted taking in his surroundings he didn't even notice when he walked right into one of the robots, knocking it to the ground.

"My apologies, I didn't see you there. Might you know where I could repair one of your kind? I have one... At home that is out of commission right now and I'd rather repair him myself rather than trust someone else to the task"

Ford spit out his ramblings while helping the robot stand again, it seemed confused but then pointed at a giant building in the distance, he assumed a factory of some sorts or at least a central building. He thanked the robot and walked off in the direction of the building, intent on learning something before he tried the next dimension.

After walking who knows how long (he got distracted overanalyzing everything he saw) he reached the massive building, it had a logo saying "JCJenson" on the front which he wrote down in his contemporary journal for later. He entered the building and was met with an unexpected sight, while there were desks with robots and people spread throughout them there was also a giant window that looked down upon a factory full of machines and other robots, presumably making more of them. There was a larger desk covered in piles of paper, hopefully the reception desk, he approached intent on learning how to repair the robot he had in his study.

"Excuse me, might there be someone here who could teach me the inner workings of one of your robots and how to repair them?"

"Unfortunately JCJ drone repair methods and schematics are private and unavailable to the public."

"What if I offered something in exchange?"

From his pockets Ford put a bar of metal onto the desk, it weighed a ton but was rare enough it might be good payment for the info he needed. The receptionist looked between him and the metal, and then he realized what was wrong.

"Ah, it's called "Beskar" where it's from, it is a rare and very strong alloy metal used in the creation of near indestructible armors by its people, I managed to procure a bar of it in my travels and believe this might be good payment for what I want to know, isn't it?"

The receptionist stared at the metal before making a call, waving Ford back behind the desk into a hall. He grabbed the metal and walked through, likely being sent to meet with someone who had the authority to negotiate with valuable information.

He entered what he assumed to be the right room and was met with a large desk with a single person sat behind it, likely someone high up in the hierarchy. He was looking towards the door, and in the process towards Ford.

"I've been informed you have an unknown metal, is this true?"

Ford took the ally once again and placed it upon the desk, to which the man took it and began inspecting it. After thorough analysis he placed it back on the desk and looked at Ford.

"This is indeed a metal I've never seen before, what was it you requested again? Knowledge on the drones? I think this is a fair trade. In exchange for this metal alloy you call "Beskar" I will have one of my technicians teach you everything there is to know about drones. Does this seem satisfactory?"

"It is more than satisfactory, thank you."

"One of my technicians will come to you in the lobby soon if you'll wait out there, pleasure doing business."

Ford left the room leaving the alloy on the desk and returned to the lobby to wait. After maybe 5 minutes he was greeted by who he assumed was the technician and brought to a room with a table in the center, upon which one of the drones was laid. Ford was given a massive book and flipped through it, it was filled with blueprints and schematics of the drones and was very in depth. He pocketed it and returned his attention to the technician who was walking him through drones and their functions.

The average drone, the most common of which was classified as a "Worker Drone" was the most basic. Running off a small seemingly nuclear power core that sustained it virtually indefinitely, the core powered all its functions from the A.I it used to function at all the way to fueling its strength that surpassed an adult human by five times, it was truly a mechanical masterpiece to behold.

Surprisingly the inner workings themselves were pretty simple, but he still took notes for later just in case, best not to waste an opportunity like this when he'd probably never come back.

After likely hours of being taught (it felt like being back in school all over again) the technician finished their explanations and demonstrations. After which Ford thanked them and left. He walked down the street browsing his notes and triple checking they lined up with what he remembered being directly told, after finishing a fourth check he moved into an alleyway and prepared himself to leave the dimension. There wasn't anything more he needed here and the less time he stayed the sooner he'd hopefully get back home. And with his thoughts wrapped up and objectives completed he left for whatever lay ahead.

Words: 1185

Well, that was interesting. It's far from the 5k-10k of Bad's chapters sitting around 1.3k but it also isn't meant to be a full chapter, just a little info and lore filled one. Anyway hopefully this one lives up to the standards and you enjoyed it, until we meet again!

Bad: Don't worry about the shorter chapter, a few of the first chapters were very short. Just for clarification, I am the main author of this fic, and Sora is doing a crossover with me until the finale. Which means I'm the editor, and they're the author.

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