Important Notice

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Hello, readers.

   In the few years that I have spent writing this fanfiction, I have gained a considerable amount of acknowledgment on this work. I am grateful to have such a kind and considerate audience, and I am indebted to those who shared mercy and kindness as I struggled recently with my mental health and with academic pressures.

   When I first started writing this, I never would have thought it would get this far—I also never considered the possibility that I would be leaving this fanfiction unfinished. However, as I've grown in these past two or three years, I realize that my passion lies somewhere else.

   Time has placed the burden of self-discovery upon me and as I've matured, I have—in a way—fallen out of love with Blue Lock. Although it is a wonderful and fun manga to read, I simply do get much enjoyment out of the plot in comparison to other stories. My lack of enthusiasm towards the series, paired with the burden of school work, a job, and the wish to be with those I cherish have really made continuing this story difficult for me.

   As an author, I tend to believe it is my duty to finish what I started and write an ending no matter what. However, I simply cannot bring myself to create a suitable ending that will complete my original direction of thought when I began writing with what I have already written.

   In truth, I do not value this fanfiction. The characters lack development due to my failure to incorporate voice and plot of my own, the writing style I used in the past is totally different from now—as you may be able to tell as you read this, and my ideas were not presented in a manner that is understandable and respectable to the reader. I have made several mistakes in this fanfiction, and it can only be used as a reference to compare my growth with.

   I apologize to readers who are invested in this fanfiction, but I will not be finishing it. That being said, if anyone wants to take this fanfiction and rewrite it, or continue it, feel free to do so. I likely won't be on wattpad much anymore because I have—for the most part—grown into another cog in the economy's machine.

   Again, I'd like to thank you, the reader, before I go. And if I may leave a word of advice to anybody reading this note, I will say this..  don't ever be afraid to leave something behind to pursue something of interest to you. Do not let nostalgic passion keep you from finding your true purpose. I wish the best to all of you, and may fortune befall you.

Sincerely yours,
Cowardly Aviator

(Discontinued) Nagi x reader BLUE LOCKWhere stories live. Discover now