Chapter 3

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TW: Instance of Ableist Language

"You're loooossssstttt~!"

America rolled her eyes, "Not helpful."

"I know." Confederate replied, the grin on her face so wide it made America want to smack her upside the head. At the moment, she was... somewhere. Somewhere that looked like the same place she had been in the other day, and the day before that, and- was she just going in circles? She wouldn't be surprised. Afterall, her sense of direction was lacking on a good day, and she hadn't had the pleasure of one of those in quite some time. So she followed the sun-

-The sun was beating down on the little sailboat, the two countries on it enjoying the sea breeze that was contrasting the vivid heat of summer. Or at least, America was. France was more annoyed at her government officials at that moment. "Can you believe them? Trying to police the way I dress? I have been around for over a century, and I will dress however I please, thank you very much!"

America nodded, "Yeah... I don't get why they care so much. It's just a swim-suit."

"It is because it is modern." France sighed, "If they had it their way, I would never show as much as an ankle."


"Because I need to be palatable to those amongst my people who are more conservative in their views."

"Hm." America felt heat go to her face. She let out a low whistle. "This view is stunning."

"What? Meri, it is just water-" France looked back at the other, eyes widening as she realized what the other was looking at. "Amérique!"

America's attention was brought away from the way France's 1920's style swimsuit accentuated her curves by the other lightly smacking her shoulder. "Hey!"

France narrowed her eyes at the other. "My eyes are up here."

"I know that!" She huffed, "Not my fault your gorgeous all over."

"Flattery will not help you." France deadpanned.

"Fine. Sorry." America fidgeted with her hand. "Can I be honest then?"

France sighed, "Always."

"F*ck the government, you look stunning." She smiled, "I bet they are that jealous that they tried to wear a swimsuit, they're *sses wouldn't look have as good as your-"

"America!" France huffed. "Must you be so vulgar?"

"Fran, you and I both know that is nothing compared to what I could come up with."

She sighed, "Fair enough." The two sat in comfortable silence for a while, both most likely getting sunburn and neither caring all that much either way.

"How are you so good at this?" America eventually asked, watching as the other steered the little boat they were on. America had been steering it at first, but had let the other take the wheel after she had taken them a bit too far out onto the water. She wasn't too worried though. The goal had been to get away from France's government officials for the day, and they had accomplished just that. Of course, they had also accomplished getting lost off of the coast, but still.

France hummed, "C'est facile. The sun rises from the East and sets in the West. We simply follow the sun and we will make it to shore eventually."

"Huh." America went to look up, only for the other to slam a hand over her eyes. "Hey!"

"Do not look directly at it, America!"

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