9 | Cornering her

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Yes,I am alive 🗿💀

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" Maa, I am leaving! " Samaira screamed as she hurriedly stalled through the hallway, holding a bag in one hand and her phone in another

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" Maa, I am leaving! " Samaira screamed as she hurriedly stalled through the hallway, holding a bag in one hand and her phone in another. Diya forgot to bring some files with her, so she brought them with herself, and as she was busy, Samaira offered to help. 

"Sam, have something, at least!" Divya scolded her second born as she refused to have anything. She was too excited to have anything at that moment. 

" I will ask Dii to make me an Avocado toast; I have been craving it for so long."  She screamed as she exited the door in a hurry. 

Divya sighed. 

"My Diya is more obedient than that brat," Divya mumbled softly, instantly missing her firstborn again. Samaira listens to no one apart from Diya and now, when she is married off and away from the house, Samaira is causing chaos in the house. Her father is not an aggressive guy, He only laughs and waves off the situation because Diya has always been an understanding kid. Samaira? She is the complete opposite of her elder sister, and Dishant believes that Samaira is not the same as Diya, and he respects that fact. 

" It's fine, She is just missing her sister like we do," Dishant added softly, his tone containing the same vulnerability he had on the day of her daughter's wedding. He wrapped his hand around his wife's shoulder, and Divya leaned against his chest. 

"They all have grown up so much,"  Divya whispered. 

"They have," Dishant added with a soft smile. 


Samaira inquired about the time by glancing at her watch patiently as she cut the distance between the Agnihotry Mansion, which was her sister's in-law's house, and her new home. Though it was 20 mins driveway but the distance seemed huge to her. 

"Uncle, how much longer is it?" Samaira asked the driver. 

" We are almost there, Beta." The driver answered her, looking at her through the rear mirror and she leaned back, relaxing her back and closing her eyes.

It's weird. Why? Because she is nervous for the first tme. It's not like she never visited their house. That was different before, she could say anything she wanted and much freely but now, she cannot. She is bound by the relationship, her sister shares with them.

She cannot afford to hurt or disappoint them, she cannot afford to be a loud or more spoken person in front of them. Everything will influence her sister' s relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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