Episode 2: The Wall

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Shingeki No Kyojin: Episode 2 - The Wall


“What the hell? They just called it off?” Exclaimed Iro As sol Stepped out of the Office of A Welded wooden door. He nods to him as he approaches, Looking confused.

Sol: Yeah. Apparently there was a distress signal sent out. Enemy States want a piece of Marley Now that They Think War Chief Kruger is out of the picture.

Iro stares at his comrade for a moment as they walk along the halls and Then he says, Looking forward.

Iro: Well, they wouldn't really be that far off. The attack titan’s with Xenon now. And they already tasked Pieck with scouting duties abroad so i dunno what the hell this couldn't wait for.

Sol then says, almost instantly, Seeming pensive.

Sol: No. I get it. The duties we have as warriors are mandatory. It also checks out with our inexperience so calling The infiltration mission off was a smart call.

Iro nods in understanding, but then, after getting along the staircase, he blurts out. Seeming annoyed.

Iro: y'know I genuinely wonder who even made the call in the first place. We could’ve been informed as a unit first.

Sol chuckles lightly.

Sol: Surprisingly it wasn't General Calvi.

Iro pauses. Blinking.

Iro: Say what now? Cheap haircut didn't call the shot this time?

Sol: Nah, It was Commander Magath. He supposedly had a gut feeling things would go to shit. And..I guess he had a point.

Iro raises a brow at him after rubbing his Neck.

Iro: Hell do you mean? Didn't the protocol go as was expected?

Sol shakes his head, Seeming annoyed himself.

Sol: No. Just realise that any more time I would’ve spent there, In my titan..I would've lost control. 

Iro crosses his arms, squinting as the Two pause in the Entryway's Corridor, Looking Dess over.

Iro: Big Whoop, Sol, We were all a little Off the grid when we first transformed. I don't see how that's much to worry about considering you got back in one piece.

Dess gives him a stern look before sighing and running a hand over his hair.

Sol: That's the thing. I *didn't* get back feeling okay. This weird feeling of bloodlust I've had since the Ceremony. Galliard..

Iro Notes Dess's Jaw Clench as he turns his Head over to him and Iro's eyes slightly Bulge as He sees something that shakes him more than he'd like it to.

Sol’s Disturbed, Shaken and almost pained expression is Open. His Eyes Telling and His Mouth Upturned enough to Reveal Fangs Grown from his Canines.

Iro takes a step back. Saying with a hand up in defence.

Iro: Shit, I see what you mean now. 

Sol Notes iro's reaction to him and Takes a deep breath. Struggling to dumb down the feeling But, after a short moment, Iro's Hand Resting on his back makes for some relief as he breathes out again. Dess looks over to him again and sees Iro smirking at him.

Iro: In as many questions as I have now…

Sol: Questions I probably don't have the answer to…

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