Episode 3: Harsh realities

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Xenon emerges from a Smokescreen of steaming, looking pained as he grasps at his arm along with being buckled slightly as he stalks forward to index. Who approaches him with a straighter back and steadier expression. Xenon then speaks as he moves forward to him.

Xenon: Not to seem like i'm hung up on this gig but what the hell are you doing, dex? You take care of that guy already?

Index lists a hand to massage his strained temples as the markings across his face and head swell up. Xenon's ripe and pressed into his features.

Index: It wasn't that simple xen. You know that. If I didn't arrive when I did, you'd have been dead by now. I did all I could. Didn't wanna risk anymore danger.

Xenon then gets upright and seems to mull it over.

Xenon: Yeah..I guess I understand that.

He Looks around and is slightly unnerved as the terrain offers crumbling sounds of debris and fallen buildings filling the area. Then he says.

Xenon: Let's get out of here, yeah? Not..looking forward to that thing appearing again like it did.

Index nods sympathetically.

Index: Sure. Definitely gave your Titan one hell of a beating.

Xenon rubs his neck while trudging off into the smokescreen, Looking exhausted.

Xenon: Ugh..yeah...tell me about it.

12 Hours Later

An unconscious Annie is laid down on a woollen blanket, along a sturdy floor as the Aligned group Rest within wall rose. A multitude of soldiers orientate the Momentary settlement positions of relocating citizens of respective (and already destroyed) districts of the invaded confinements of wall maria.

The warriors sit idly in a secluded cornerstone block. Remaining stationary for sometime as Solìder watches Annie but soon enough Jabbot speaks, looking impassive.

Jabbot: Caven and I spoke amidst the Invasions beginning. Underground entrypoint we Covered was blocked off. It must've known we were coming.

Index shakes his head.

Index: We're probably idiots for backing that logic, honestly.

Xenon looks at him curiously.

Xenon: why's that?

Index almost chuckles.

Index: The Founder's Power Apparently branches all across the body and mind of its derivative powers so, It's easy to guess that it Probably looked into one of our heads and predicted the attack.

Jabbot hums in thought before nodding his head. Seeming to agree with the noble warrior.

Xenon crosses his arms.

Xenon: Kay....so I guess I got my ass kicked for nothing.

Solìder sighs.

Sol: I wouldn't say that. It didn't occur to any of us that a Stray shifter would appear and shakes things up like they did.

Xenon: yeah....it's kind of crazy to me how there's...another titan power out here. Marley captivated them all last I heard.

Sol grimaces. Clenching his fist.

Sol: They did...this is unbeknownst to any of us. Our failure to get the founder's attention just messes with our entire plan but..we cant just go back empty handed.

Xenon chimes as their leader thinks on

Xenon: Eh. Dunno about you guys but going back sounds kinda swell to me. I get to get a full night's rest and not involve my face with the fist of another rabid devil.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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