Axe (1)

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I smiled seeing the dead body of my boyfriend on the floor. Just for a second, really. Then it hit me. I was seeing the dead body of my boyfriend on the floor. My eyes widened and my head shot up to see a half - naked girl looking at me in fear, her lip trembling. 

"Julie...what did you do?"

Okay but seriously. What did I do? I looked around, all my memories a blur. I was in the shed, blood everywhere, and Caleb, my boyfriend,  dead.

A pretty girl who looked like an average "every boys dream girl" was looking at me horrified. You know blonde hair, pretty face, white dress, thin as fuck. Have I seen her before?
I think not. But she knew my name so I probably did in fact know her. I've never been good with remembering people. Or places. Or tasks. Or anything really.

"Who are you?" I asked her

She looked at me dumbfounded. "I'm Alice? As in your cousin?"

Oh yeah. That Alice.

"Jules...I'm really sorry. I probably deserve this. I shouldn't have done this to you and you have every right to be mad and-"

"Wait" I interrupted "What did you do?"

Alice hesitated. I knew that she thought I was asking for dramatic effect, to have my villain moment.

But I seriously had no idea.

"I cheated with Caleb" she blurted out.

My eyes widened. My face turned red. And like clockwork, the memories flooded in my brain.

Me hearing noises. 

Opening the shed. 

Finding Caleb and Alice making out (It was traumatizing by the way) 





An axe in the corner of the shed and my hand snatching it.

Caleb's broken head.

No, no no! How could this be happening? I'm supposed to have gotten better now, I haven't had an episode like this in a month, yet here it is. And this is the worse it's ever gotten. Just when I got rid of the weird noises and voices.

I did miss them sometimes to be honest. I even named one. Emily.

But I had to get out of here. I walked but as I did I paused and turned around facing Alice and screamed at the top of my lungs:


And when I turned around I saw the worst thing possible.

Okay it wasn't a serial killer so maybe the second worst.

My dad with his mouth hanging open, looking horrified.

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