The Assembly (7)

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"Welcome, students welcome!" The principal said in a sing song voice that made Vanessa roll her eyes "How nice to see all of you! And today we will find out who graduated from our 18 year olds!"

She started announcing names but I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking of everything that happened. Why did they need blood? Why did they need to separate us, boys girls? Why did the south side exist? What else were they hiding? What was the black liquid thing dripping on the principals shoe? Why did-


What was the black liquid thing?

My eyes widened. "Nessa? What's that?" I asked. She took a while to see it but she shot me a concerned "I don't know" look and whispered to Delilah. Delilah looked hard at the liquid and...

"It's gas."

Delilah looked at us shocked. But now, it was Vanessas turn to notice something. The principal was... melting. The gas started seeping out of her body parts. Her ears, eye sockets, mouth, nose, and it even burned holes in her skin. 

Everyone slowly started murmuring. 

The principal though? She didn't even stop speaking. Like nothing was happening. Some people started crying from fear as the gas burnt through her skin. People started coughing and a small boy around Mays age fainted. 

Perhaps it would be a good idea to run?


I grabbed both the girls by the hand and we started running.

"We have to find the others!" Vanessa shouted

I spotted May next to the boy who fainted about to do the same and I ran and grabbed her on my back. Fortunately, I found the boys with Vanessa and Delilah as well and Tyrell grabbed May from me. And we all started running. 

He's strong, huh? I bet he's-

"NOT THE TIME EMILY" I screamed.

"Window!" Delilah shouted.

We all jumped out and started running. 

But Vegas stopped and smiled. 

"What now, you dumbass?" Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"Now's our chance."

"To do what?" I asked. 

Vegas smirked, rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. Dragged me forward pointing to the mountains. 

"To escape."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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