Chapter 47: The ones who are left behind

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Jisoo placed the last plate on the table. She looked over, making sure that everything is complete and served. It's probably the last time she'll be doing it. She's going to turn in the divorce settlement contract later, after telling Soojin about it that very morning. It has been revised according to her wishes. And she already put her sign on it.

She notified her sisters that she'll be moving back to their family house. Lisa and Lily will be accompanying her for a while. After that, she doesn't have any plan yet. When their daughters grew old and independent, most of her life revolved around Seokjin. She doesn't quite know what to do with her time now that she can't spend it on him anymore.

She went back to the kitchen and removed her apron.

"Please call them. Breakfast is ready." She told one of their helps.

"Yes, madam."

"Ms. Lim, free your time after breakfast." She spoke to another.

She courteously bowed. She has to tell her about Seokjin's daily routine and lifestyle restrictions before she leaves. She returned to the dining room and sat on her usual seat. RM came in after a few minutes.

"Good morning." He bowed to her.

"Where's Soojin?"

"She's getting father."

She eyed the head of the table. It has been customary for her to fix a plate on his place even though he has not been joining them for months. He often eats alone. She knew that he does it for her. So it's all she can do to acknowledge his consideration.

They arrived with Soojin tugging him to his seat after a short while. Jisoo kept her eyes down. Seokjin's presence became a bit of a complication. How can she tell their daughter about their divorce now?

The atmosphere is quiet and awkward. Seokjin was supposed to begin the meal but he has not done it in a while. Furthermore, he's worried that his wife, ex-wife rather, is feeling discomforted. He grabbed his chopsticks and decided to just get it over with.

"I'll eat well. Thank you for the food."

He took his first bite. And they began eating. There's no room for small talks in the presence of the looming silence. Seokjin ate in a rush too. After he gulped his water to end his meal, Soojin brought down her chopsticks.

"Dad, mom, I have something to tell you."

They both stopped to look at her.

She gave them a small, apologetic smile. "I'm sorry."

Seokjin and Jisoo worriedly turned to each other. They locked eyes for the first time in months.

"Why? What is it?" He anxiously asked.

"I'm pregnant." She sniveled. "I'm sorry."

Jisoo quickly left her seat to embrace her. "My dear, why would you apologize for that?"

"It's bad timing. With Taeyeon..." She cried.

"You don't have to apologize for that. It's not bad timing. It will never be." Seokjin consoled her.

Soojin looked up to his mother. She burst into a louder cry when she saw the twinkle in her eyes and the smile on her lips. She hasn't seen her happy for a long time.

"Congratulations." She wiped her daughter's cheeks. "Don't be sad anymore. It's not good for the baby."

Seokjin stood up and walked to RM. He gave him a tight squeeze and firm pats on the back.

"Did you already tell your dad?"

"No. We want to let you know first. It's dangerous to tell him. He's a serial spoiler."

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