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Next Morning 
Both the families have told their child about the meeting on Sunday and they both have agreed to meet each other. 

After having breakfast all the men of Rawat's family went to their respective offices. And Anuvik's mother started to spend her time with Aabir. Aabir is still at home because Anuvik doesn't want him to start his schooling this early and all his family members disagreed with his discussion. 

While playing with Aabir his grandfather told him that after sometime his father will bring his mother at home and after that he can also play with her as other children play.

Aabir becomes very happy after listening to what her grandmother had told him.

The same evening 🌇
At Rawat's Mansion

All three men had returned from the office and all sat on the couch that was present in the hall. One housekeeper came and served them water. While having water Anuvik asked his mother about Aabir and she told him that he is in his room playing. 

After having water and a little talk session. All went to their respective rooms to freshen up.

After freshening up, Rahul and his father went downstairs but Anuvuk went to meet his son who was playing in his room.

While entering he saw the most precious scene of his life that his son was sleeping with toys all around him on the floor itself.

Anuvik smiled after watching this. Firstly he picked his son and placed him carefully on the bed and after that he started collecting all his son's toys which are present mostly in every corner of his house.

After cleaning he saw that it was almost dinner time so he thought to wake his son up but before this his brother came into the room and told him that his mother was asking for a father-son duo for the dinner. 

Anuvik told his brother that they would come in just a few minutes, he just nodded and left.

Anuvik started to wake his son up and after some tries he woke up and sat on his father's lap.

After a few good minutes Anuvik takes his son to the washroom to wash his face.

After that they both left for the dining table to have dinner.

While having dinner Aabir asked his father that he will bring his mother for him. On this statement Anuvik choked on his food and his eyes towards his mother who just ignored him.

Anuvik ignored his son's statement and Asked his mother, "Have you told him that?" His mother nodded Her head with a yes.

Anuvik signs.

He told His mother that what is the need Of telling this things to Aabir. He is small for all these things. He will now jus5 have a false hope that I will marry That girl only.

His mother told him what wrong she had done. She also told Him That she knows that you will marry only That girl Only.

After That he didn't say anything and they all had their dinner in silence.

At Singhania Mansion 

Mohini and her family were having dinner and her father asked her about her views regarding meeting the boy.

She said that if you have selected him then he will be good for her. And she also said that he will also get to know a little bit more about him when they both meet.

Her father and mother both nodded.

After having dinner both the family went to sleep.


Thank you 
Your Author Moon 🌙 

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