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CONGRATS to our other maknae for her 2nd solo album NA!!

The front door to Twice's dorm quietly open.

Nayeon went on tiptoe as she passed through the entryway to her home, putting down her bag and the jacket in her hand on the floor at the side, thinking to herself that she's going to take care of those later, which probably means in the morning.

The oldest one wears her slippers at the side, and walked towards the living room with the soft patting of her footsteps.

Seeing the lights are all gone, Nayeon was glad that non of the girls waited for her, or spotted them eating midnight snacks in the kitchen.

It was pretty late, almost 2 in the night already.

Just as the girl got a bit more relieved, wondering if she's going to take a break first or instantly go shower, a view in the living room shocked her.

Out of the dark living room, literally out of no where, all thanks to the small lamp at the side.

On the back of the sofa seats, there are two pairs of round doe eyes staring at her.

Since the back of the sofa was facing the door side, it seems that the two are kneeling down on the couch.

Before Nayeon could let out a giggle, she noticed the paws - I mean hands, gripping at the back of it.

Then the oldest one really could stop her laughter.

She wobbly, being out of breath from laughing in silence, walked over to the light switch and turn the living room lights on.

It was Tzuyu and Gia, the two maknaes.

"You two ..." Nayeon could only managed to laugh out, and called them both cute.

"Come on, Unnie," Tzuyu pouts softly at her place, "We were wondering who was it -"

"- yah, I thought it was a thief," Gia saids in a serious tone, "If it wasn't Tzu remember there's one more Unnie not at home, I would have taken the kitchen knife and went out -"

As the two youngest ones in the house are discussing furiously about how they would have almost accidentally kill Nayeon - she was still giggling at the side.

When she's finally done, which was another 20 minutes later, Tzuyu and Gia silently agree that their oldest girl caught the laughing virus.

Nayeon finally took a good look over at her kid's face, which makes her motherly smile appears instantly.

Guessed that she's too into laughing moments ago, I mean - who can resist? The two maknaes often make people laugh without themselves knowing that they are funny.

The oldest one finally saw it - both of them are in those cute sleepwear bunny headbands, one is in baby blue and the other one is in baby pink color.

Nayeon had walked over before she realised, touching the two maknaes's bunny ears, squeezing softly, mumbling to herself "So cute" "How are you two always so adorable"

While the two girls below her - from staring up to the oldest girl, to looking back at each other.

They have the same - classical - Twice maknaes judging face.

"Is Nayeon Unnie alright?"

"I don't think so, I think she's too tired." Gia looked over at Tzuyu, taking a glance at Nayeon.


"What? The maknaes doesn't like Nabong now?" It was Nayeon who pouted back at this time, playfully pushing them away and take a step backwards.

"I really think she's insane."

"She's so weird -"

Nayeon knows they are playing with her, she could see the corner of their lips are tugging upwards.

"Stop it!"

"Yah don't be so loud!"

"Saids the one who's being loud!!"


Out of all the chaos, after Nayeon finally went into the shower, the two maknae's sat back down on the sofa, turn on the cartoon show they are watching before the eldest of the family came home.

The two of them went silence, both are thinking the same thing.

"My ears are saved. How is her voice so bright and loud?"Gia laughed softly as she said, slightly teasing the oldest.

Tzuyu laughed as well, "But she's cute, I thought she's the oldest."

"No wonder she's the fake maknae."

After a while of chitchatting and watching TV, a clean, fresh, Nayeon came out from the shower and sqeezed in between the two maknaes.

"Not going to bed yet?" The youngest ask, Nayeon turned to her, pinched her cheek softly and shakes her head, "Nah, I felt like I haven't spend time with the two of you."

"I mean -" Tzuyu took her eyes away from the show, "We are all really busy, and even if we have holidays it's on different days."

Then Nayeon smiled brightly, hugging both of them into her arms, "Alright then! We are having a cartoon night then!"

Gia glanced worriedly "But -"

"That's settled!" Ignoring the maknae's words," Started to search for the remote control in her seat, "Let's choose something else -"

"Nayeon -"

"Yeah, Meong?" Nayeon asked casually without taking a peek over at her.

"I want to sleep."

She stopped, turned to face the girl and look closely to her eyes.

A smiled appears on Nayeon's, she quickly reached out and padded the kid's head, "No, cartoon."

"It's 3 already."

"Yeah, so that's why we are staying up," Nayeon started to choose between all the TV shows, "5 more hours before we have to wake up, too less for sleep now, we should be productive and used it for shows instead."

"No - Tzuyu, you want to go to bed, right?"

"Unnie, can I watch -"

"Nooooooo -"

Nayeon smirks at her side, "Don't even think about it, Gia, tonight you are staying with us for - wait - should we watch Time To Twice instead?"

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