Episode 1: The Overlap

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[Opening Scene: A serene Japanese countryside. The camera pans over lush green fields and a small, picturesque village. The sun is setting, casting a warm, golden glow over everything. We then zoom into a traditional Japanese house where Reice Murayama, a high school student, is sitting in his room, studying.]

Reice: (muttering to himself) I need to ace this math test on Monday. No distractions...focus, Reice.

[The camera shifts to a family portrait on his desk, showing Reice with his father, Rei Murayama, his mother, Aiko, and his sister, Hikari. Rei is smiling warmly, his arm around young Reice.]

[Cut to: Reice’s mother, Aiko, in the kitchen, cooking dinner. She looks up at a clock on the wall, her face showing a mix of sadness and determination.]

Aiko: (softly) Dinner will be ready soon. I hope Reice is doing okay.

[Reice’s sister, Hikari, enters the kitchen, her energetic personality contrasting with the somber mood.]

Hikari: Mom, do you need any help?

Aiko: (smiling) No, dear. Thank you. Just make sure Reice comes down for dinner.

[Hikari nods and heads upstairs to Reice’s room. She knocks on the door.]

Hikari: Reice, dinner’s almost ready! Come down soon, okay?

Reice: (distracted) Yeah, okay. Just a minute.

[Cut to: A quiet shrine at the edge of the village. Rei Murayama is standing there, looking out over the fields. Suddenly, a soft, ethereal light surrounds him, and he vanishes.]

[Cut back to Reice’s room. He suddenly feels a strange sensation, like a shiver running down his spine. He shakes his head, trying to focus on his studies, but the feeling persists.]

Reice: (to himself) What the heck was that?

[He looks around his room, but nothing seems out of place. Shrugging it off, he heads downstairs for dinner.]

[Cut to: The Murayama family sitting around the dinner table. The atmosphere is warm, but there's an underlying sadness as they eat in relative silence.]

Aiko: (breaking the silence) How was school today, Reice?

Reice: (forcing a smile) It was fine, Mom. Just the usual.

Hikari: (cheerfully) Reice has a big math test on Monday. I’m sure he’ll Ace it!

Aiko: (smiling) I’m sure he will.

[Suddenly, Reice feels the strange sensation again, stronger this time. He drops his chopsticks, his eyes widening in surprise.]

Reice: (alarmed) What’s happening?

[Aiko and Hikari look at him with concern.]

Aiko: Reice, are you okay?

Reice: I...I don’t know. I feel really weird.

[Reice’s vision blurs, and he hears a faint voice, like an echo.]

Voice (Rei): Reice...can you hear me?

Reice: (whispering) Dad?

[Hikari and Aiko exchange worried glances.]

Hikari: Reice, what are you talking about?

Reice: (shaking his head) Nothing. I’m just tired, I guess. I think I need to lie down.

Aiko: (gently) Okay, dear. Get some rest.

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