Episode 2: Father at School

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Opening Scene:

(Reice is in his bedroom, getting ready for school. He looks at himself in the mirror, trying to pep himself up for the day.)

Reice: (muttering to himself) Okay, just act normal. No one needs to know about Dad. Just get through the day.

Rei: (internally) I’m here if you need me, son. Remember, one step at a time.

Reice: (sighing) Yeah, I know, Dad. Let’s just hope today goes smoothly.

(Reice heads downstairs for a quick breakfast with his family. Aiko gives him a warm smile, and Hikari teases him about being up early again.)

Hikari: (grinning) Look at you, Mr. Punctual. What's the occasion?

Reice: (smiling back) Just trying to stay on top of things.

Aiko: (handing him a lunchbox) Have a good day at school, Reice.

Reice: Thanks, Mom. See you later.

At School:-

(The camera pans over the bustling school entrance as students arrive, chatting and laughing. Hoshino Matsumoto, a popular and somewhat arrogant girl, walks through the gates. Her confident stride and stylish appearance draw the attention of many students.)

Student 1: (whispering) Look, it’s Hoshino! She’s so cool.

Student 2: (nodding) Yeah, but she’s also kind of scary. She only talks to certain people.

(Hoshino heads toward a group of girls who are clearly her close friends. She greets them with a nod and a small smile.)

Hoshino: Morning, everyone.

Friend 1: (excitedly) Hoshino, did you hear about the new event the student council is planning?

Hoshino: (nonchalantly) Yeah, I did. I might attend if it’s worth my time.

Friend 2: (eagerly) I’m sure it will be! Everyone wants you to be there.

Hoshino: (smirking) Of course they do.

(A group of students nearby hesitantly approaches Hoshino, clearly nervous about talking to her.)

Student 3: (shyly) H-Hoshino, can we join your group for the project in history class?

Hoshino: (raising an eyebrow) We already have enough people. Maybe next time.

(The students look disappointed but nod and walk away. Hoshino’s friends glance at each other, smirking slightly.)

Friend 3: (whispering to Hoshino) You really know how to keep people in line.

Hoshino: (shrugging) It’s not about being mean. It’s about keeping standards high.

(As they continue talking, Rina Hiromi and Sato Kazuto pass by, giving Hoshino a brief nod of acknowledgment. Hoshino barely acknowledges them, focusing instead on her friends.)

Rina: (to Sato) Hoshino’s always so... aloof.

Sato: (nodding) Yeah, but I guess that’s just how she is.

Scene Transition:

(Reice arrives at school, the bustling atmosphere is a welcome distraction from his recent grief. He heads to his locker and meets his best friends, Rina Hiromi and Sato Kazuto.)

Rina: (smiling) Hey, Reice! You’re looking better today.

Sato: (nodding) Yeah, man. How are you holding up?

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