Episode 3: Investigation Begins

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Opening Scene:

(Reice wakes up in his bedroom, feeling more determined than ever. He sits up and looks at the photo of his father on his nightstand.)

Reice: (to himself) Dad, I think it’s time we start figuring out what really happened to you.

Rei: (internally) I agree, son. We need answers.

(Reice heads downstairs for breakfast. His family is already at the table, chatting and laughing.)

Aiko: (noticing Reice) Morning, Reice. You look deep in thought.

Reice: (smiling) Morning, Mom. Just thinking about Dad. I think we need to start looking into what really happened to him.

Hikari: (concerned) Do you really want to dig into that, Reice? It might be painful.

Reice: (nodding) I have to. I need to know the truth.

Ryuga: (supportive) We’re here for you, Reice. Just let us know how we can help.

Reice: Thanks, everyone. I’ll let you know if I need anything.

Scene Transition:

(Reice arrives at school, his mind still on his father’s death. He heads to his locker and meets Rina Hiromi and Sato Kazuto. Soon, Fukushi Kan, Kazu Shiki, and Kadota Grace join them.)

Rina: (smiling) Hey, Reice. You look serious today.

Sato: (concerned) Everything okay?

Reice: (determined) I need your help. I want to investigate my dad’s death. Something doesn’t feel right about it.

Rina: (supportive) Of course. What do you need us to do?

Sato: (nodding) We’re with you, Reice. Just tell us where to start.

Fukushi: (joining the conversation) Investigate your dad’s death? Count me in. Sounds intense.

Grace: (nodding) Yeah, we’re in. Your dad was a good man. We want to help.

Kazu: (smiling) We’ve got your back, Reice. Let’s do this together.

Reice: (relieved) Thanks, everyone. Let’s start by looking into his last few days. Maybe we can find some clues.

(As they finalize their plans, Hoshino Matsumoto approaches, her usual aloofness giving way to curiosity.)

Hoshino: (curious) Reice, what’s going on? Why are you all gathered here?

Reice: (thinking quickly) Oh, hey, Hoshino. We’re just planning a study group for the upcoming exams. We thought it’d be a good idea to prepare together.

Hoshino: (raising an eyebrow) Really? That’s a big group for just studying.

Fukushi: (grinning) Hey, better safe than sorry, right? More brains, more chances to ace the tests.

Hoshino: (nodding slowly) I suppose that makes sense. Well, good luck with your studying.

Reice: (smiling) Thanks, Hoshino. We appreciate it.

(Hoshino walks away, still slightly suspicious but accepting their explanation. The group breathes a sigh of relief.)

Rina: (whispering) That was close.

Sato: (nodding) Yeah, we need to be careful. We don’t want too many people knowing about this.

Grace: (serious) Let’s meet in the library after school to start our investigation. We’ll find out what really happened to your dad, Reice.

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