marias home

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Part 2
Same warnings as last time
Enjoy xx

Maria's Pov:
Me and finney was scanning round the halls then out of nowhere I saw my little Gwen Gwen. As we met eyes she ran upto me and jumped on me!
"Ria I never thought you would come back I've missed you so so so much!"gwen exclaimed.
"I've missed you too Gwen Gwen!"I replied
"So any eyes on anyone maybe Robin."she asked making kissing noises
"Ew gross Gwen Gwen I hate Arellano."I said making gagging sounds.
Gwen shrugged and dragged me and finney to the library
"Where are we?"I asked
The school had changed a whole lot ever since I left it was shocking!
"This is the library everyone comes here to wait for next lessons to start."she answered
"Well how long to next lesson?"I questioned
"About 15 minutes"finney said
I nodded and we all sat down we all was gossiping till we heard the library doors open.
"Again? I just can't get rid of him!"I said smacking my head.
"Ooo sounds like a crush"finney whispered
"Oh no never!"I corrected him
I looked beside me too find Robin stood there!
"Why's she here!"he growned side eyeing me.
"Um Shes my sister remember."finney said reminding Robin.
"Whatever."Robin mumbled taking a seat next to finney.
I rolled my eyes and carried on my conversation with Gwen while finney and Robin chatted about random things.
Then suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer and closer.
Another one seriously
"Hey robby!"she said
"Hey Jess"robin said
"Oh hey looser and oh your back."she said pointing at me
"No shit."I said shrugging
"We'll robins mine now so back off!"she shouted
"Didn't want him anyways dipshit."I replied flipping her off
For some reason Robin looked mad but also upset but I wasn't going to say anything cause they both just ruined my day.
"Ugh fuck u cmon babe let's go!"she told Robin trying to drag him
"I'll catch up with you later."he said
"Ugh whateves"she yelled walking off
"I hate her so much!"i mumbled
"What was that?"gwen asked
"Nothing!"I said rubbing the back off my neck
Finney obviously heard and started laughing
"Sounds like someone's jealous"finney smirked
"I am not!"I raised my tone folding my arms
Robins head turned to me
"You definitely are."Robin chuckled
"Go to your sweet little girlfriend Robin!"I said turning my head
"Not a problem."he said whilst getting up
"Wait Robin sleepover at mine tonight?"finney suggested
"I'll be there"Robin replied smiling
Robin walked off and turned his head back and smirked at me I just flipped him off and he walked out the doors.
"He's not sleeping over tonight!"I told finney
"Sorry Maria but he's gonna have to."he said with a smart smirk
"Fine just don't bring him anywhere near me!"I warned finney
He nodded and just then the bell rang.
Then I remembered my next lessons with Gwen and finney and Robin.
Not so excited about the last one.
Me finney and Gwen decided to walk together to art which I was really good at so I was happy.
We entered the classroom to see all the children lined up.
"Is this normal?"i whispered to Gwen
"Definitely not!"she whispered back
"Wish you all luck!"finney whispered
And we all wished it him back
I lined up as far as way from Robin as possible no way am I getting put with that fucker.
I was as far as I could get then I heard the teacher ask me for my name.
"Maria Blake!"I answered
"Ah Gwen and Blake's sister I remember you a little trouble maker you was wasn't you!"she chuckled
I nodded and gave a slight smile
"When Maria Blake sit on this table next to Robin Arellano."she commanded
My face dropped not so much his
"I was just starting to like you."I mumbled to myself about miss David
I sat down next to Robin avoiding eye contact
Someone tapped me on my shoulder
I turned around it was Robin.
"What!?"I questioned him
"You got a pen looser?"he asked
"No not for you!"I replied
I looked away and chose not to speak to him
"Your gonna have to speak to me at some point I mean your my partner now"he told me
Hate to say it but he had a point
"Fine but say one nasty thing to me and I'm leaving!"
I yelled
"Don't worry princessa I'll keep myself together!"he replied
"Don't call me that!"I told him
"No it's your new nickname princessa."he said
I blushed and looked away quick it was quite cute WAIT NO IT ISNT no it's annoying but I have no choice but to deal with it!

It was the end of the day me and Gwen was walking home because finney went to robins to get his stuff then I remembered.DAD.shit shit right I need to be spot on because if robins here and he touches me what will happen!I started overthinking a lot about it but Gwen could tell and told me breathing exercises.
I loved Gwen.
She always knew when I was at my worse or needed help.
We arrived home to see a note saying dad left for work.
"Probably went to the pub"I said
"Probably!"gwen said agreeing with me.
I went to my room and got changed since I was sweating like crazy!

I went to my room and got changed since I was sweating like crazy!

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I got changed into this
Change if you want ❤️

I went downstairs and cleaned all my dad's empty beer cans and all the spilt beer.then the door opended.
Awh fuck no I thought
They came over to the living room I ignored them and continued cleaning dad's mess.

"You gonna go upstairs or what?"I asked them
"'No where thinking off watching a movie downstairs you wanna join?"finney asked
"Yeah me and Gwen will."I answered
I picked up the last beer can and threw it in the bin.
Me and Gwen sat down with the ice cream we grabbed from the freezer
"Hey that better not be the last!"finney shouted and ran off
"Finney get back here!"gwen shouted and ran after him
Leaving me and Robin alone.
"Hey princessa."Robin said
"You have a girlfriend Robin."I chuckled without looking at him
"Yeah I know."
"I feel like annoying you so that's what I'll continue to do."he proceeded to say
"You do you."I said rolling my eyes
I got up to put my empty bowl into the sink but just then Robin stook his foot out almost tripping up luckily I just stumbled.
"Ugh wait till tonight!"I warned him
"See you then princessa!"he told me back
I rolled my eyes at him

Part 3 out soon
Hope you enjoyed sorry if anything upset you
Remember to vote this story thank youuu

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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