26} Can we have Cheeto Puffs at the Dance?

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Ren stands at the foot of my bed, "I don't know do you think I should just go talk to him alone?"

"No!"Willard says jumping off from the bed to Ren. "The more of us the better."

Willard, Ren, Rusty, Ariel, and I are in my room trying to figure out the best way to approach Reverend Moore.

"But at the same time" I say, "Maybe Ren having a one-on-one convo with him will persuade him more. Will you just want any excuse to cause a scene. I'm in favor of Ren going by himself."

"I agree!" Rusty adds with her mouth full of Cheetos Puffs.

"Hey hey hey! Don't get my floors all dirty with that orange dust. Also don't finish the bag or Amelia will throw a fit."

Willard sits back on the edge of my bed next to me, "Me cause a scene, no! All I want to is be there to support my best friend... or maybe just give the reverend a piece of my mind-"

"Will!" We all scream.

"What! I know he's your dad and all Ariel but we really want this dance. Anyways if Amelia throws a fit just remind her that I will buy her a new bag like I always do." Amelia has always loved Willard. There bond these past couple months has been stronger than ever. Whenever my family host a little barbecue he always comes and tries to teach her how to throw a spiral. It so cute always seeing them together and kind of make me want one of my own... But not now of course! Way way in the future. "Well I'm still team 'we all go and force the Reverend to say yes-'"

"No Willard! That won't work with my dad. Let's just let Ren take the lead on this one. I mean you do have a thing with words Ren." Oh I just know Ariel has a thing for Ren. It gets awkward sometimes cause I can just feel the tension.

"You know what we will need at this dance Cheeto Puffs-"

"Rusty stop with the Cheeto Puffs!" I tell her. All she is is a cheeto puffs commercial.

As Ren walks to my door he tells us," Ariel right if were gonna try to make this dance a thing I think it's better for just me to go and talk to him. No offense Willard, but I think you would harm our case more than help."

"Hey for your information-" Before Willard can even finish Ren is out the door. "Wait is he actually going to talk to him now? It's late I mean wouldn't your dad be at your place by now?"

"No" Ariel says getting up from my Cheeto dusted filled floor, ugh I'm gonna kill Rusty, "He is still at Church usually practicing his sermons. But I should be heading home, anyone need a ride?"

"I'll take one!"Rusty gets up and throws out the bag.

"I told you not to finish it!" I tell her.

"Oops." She screams as her and Ariel run out of my room screaming, "Bye love you!"

Now just Willard is left. He makes his way next to me and I find my hands running around his hair. We lay there for a second, not minding the peace in our silence. Of course the silence is broken by Will, "Don't worry about the Cheeto bag, Mila will have a new one by tomorrow." Mila is also a new nickname he has given her, I kind of like it.

"Really don't worry about it." I say before giving him a small kiss.

"You know, if this dance does happen I will make sure to make it the best night of our lives." Will now gets closer to me, our faces inches from each other.

My hand is now placed on his jaw and I give him another kiss, but this time the kiss lingers for a little longer. "I mean I have doubt you would, but what would you do to make it 'the best night' of our lives?"

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