시작~ The beginning

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危険 ⬩𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐘 𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒, 𝐀 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄  Nezuko watched as her sister tried to get up from her futon so that she could sell some charcoal. She was way too stubborn and careless for her good, and even though it was endearing in a way, it was also incredibly annoying.

"Nee-chan! You can't go to village today, not in that condition!" Nezuko yelled still trying to get her to go back to the futon.

"I am fine, Nez-" She clenched her stomach in a sudden pain and made a gasping sound at its suddennes. 

"See?! Now stop being overly stubborn and go to your futon already! This'll only make it worse!" Nezuko yelled again, this was giving her an headache. 

"im fine Nezuko! i have to go..."


Watching her older sister trekking down the mountain, Nezuko found herself running after her.

"Onee-chan!" She called out for her, needing to make sure.

The fear in her chest wouldn't leave and she wanted Sumiko, who was going out there on he own, alone, and sick, to stay safe because this feeling would not go away.

Her older sister stared at her over her shoulder, brows furrowing and seeming to have sensed her distress.

"Nezuko?" her voice sounded concerned. "Is something wrong?"

Nezuko knew that she shouldn't be afraid about telling him anything as Sumiko wholeheartedly believed in her 'sixth sense' as she called it. But she also didn't want to worry her, she already worried enough for all of them, so she forced a smile on her lips.

"Please make sure that you come back tonight," Nezuko compromised and ignored the plea in her words, awaiting his response with bated breath.

She needed to be certain.

Some of her fears were laid to rest when Sumiko gave her that familiar smile of understanding followed by a determined nod.

Nezuko wondered what would've happened if she had kept that feeling to herself.


"Sigh... Today was exhausting! .." Sumiko mumbles to herself tiredly walking home after a day of selling charcoal. it was probably because she was sick but her legs weren't as strong as they usually were, they felt like they would gave out.


Sumiko was startled by the sudden loud noise coming behind him only to see it was old man Saburo.

"Ah, Saburo-jiisan, you scared me. What's the matter?"

"You're not seriously going to climb up the mountain at this hour are you?"

"Come here before the demons shows up!"

she knew what the old man would say, but she promised her little sis she would be back, and she wasn't  someone who would break their promises

sHe couldn't wait to see the happy faces of her family when she arrived back, even the thought made her smile a sweet smile.

Though a feeling in her gut twisted, very hard. she did her best to ignore it of course. Nothing is wrong afterall and her senses were just a little messed up due to the fact that she is sick and all

sHe desprately told herself that over and over again, well, until she smelled the heavy metallic smell of blood.

sHe ran towards the heavy smell of blood, desprately hoping they were okay and nothing was wrong. That it was only the blood of an animal caught in a trap.

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