악마의 순수함~ A devils innocence

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At this revelation, the silence was deafening. Nezuko didn't understand the significance of the title but the surprise bordering on shock on their faces was painting a horrifying picture. Nezuko's eyes started tearing up at this, her intuition had been right and she hadn't been there.

"What's the rank of the upper moon who did this to you, Tomioka?" The man with flaming hair, Nezuko should really get his name, asked the dark-haired man.

"I believe it was Upper Moon Three." Their leader answered for him.

The silence was punctuated by tension this time.

"What's this got to do with the demon girl?" Iguro probed, straight to the point and looking highly displeased at the mention of the upper moon.

"I have given my approval for Nezuko and Sumiko." The Oyakata told them, to most of the others' outrage and Nezuko's shock. "The crows told me how Sumiko had risked her life to protect humans and save them, venturing out into the sun to bring to us Urokodaki-dono and Giyuu despite knowing that she would be killed for being a demon." His smile had softened as he said this and from her intuition, Nezuko got the strangest feeling that he was satisfied.

"We can't just trust a demon based on one action," The largest person quietly objected.

"I can't help but flamboyantly agree," The sleeveless guy put in as well. "I cannot just accept that we are letting a demon live." He pointed towards himself with a shake of his head.

"Even before this incident, Sumiko had never attacked or shown any signs of hunger towards any human for the whole time that she'd been living as a demon. I believe you already know of this, Shinobu, as she'd been staying in your estate since." Kochou simply dipped her head in agreement, surprising them. He then paused as he closed his eyes. "And I believe, from Giyuu's words, that if a time comes that Sumiko ends up attacking someone, she, along with Nezuko and Urokodaki-dono, will cut their own stomachs open as an apology." He delivered softly.

Nezuko's eyes teared up, squeezing Sumiko's hand so tightly. Tomioka hadn't really said anything much the whole time he'd been here. And yet–

"Where's the guarantee in that?" Shinazugawa demanded furiously. "I don't understand what you're trying to do here, Oyakata-sama. I cannot consent." With that, he proceeded to slash his arm, making the woman in braids gasp, as he abruptly stood up and marched towards the siblings.

"W-What are you–" Nezuko's eyes widened in horror at what this man was trying to do.

"Hey demon, take off that fucking mask and face me properly! It's time to eat!" He demanded recklessly as his blood continued to drip on the ground.

To the surprise of most of the pillars and despite Nezuko's protest about the danger of the sun, Sumiko carefully reached up and removed the tengu mask covering her face. Her red eyes widened in horror at the sight of familiar burns. That day two years ago suddenly felt like yesterday. Because she could remember clearly how the sun had left her older sister's burned skin raw and bleeding. Like now.

Curious slitted burgundy eyes stared at Shinazugawa as Sumiko's brows furrowed in bewilderment but, otherwise, didn't make any move towards him.

"The demon just stared at him in confusion," One of the girls with the Oyakata reported eagerly. "She seems to be confused why Shinazugawa-sama is offering her his blood and she didn't show any signs of hunger or losing control." Nezuko might've imagined it but the white-haired girl smiled at her as she said this while the pillars were surprised at this development.

Shinazugawa remained standing there, staring at her older sister with an unreadable expression. Nezuko was prepared to stand up and confront him but he just clenched his hands into fists before going back to where he previously kneeled amongst the other pillars in silence. Nezuko didn't like him. But– those scars. She wondered if she would be as bitter and spiteful against any and all demons if Sumiko had died too.

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