Untitled Part 7

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"Ughhh!" Hermione groaned. "I can't figure it out!"

"It's okay, Aunt Hermione," Ember hummed, her nose also buried in a book.

"But it's not! Ember, this has never happened before!"

"Exactly. This is going to be tough."

Then Scorpius strolled into the room, his blond locks cascaded lazily into his eyes. "I brought snacks," he said.

"Thanks, Scorpius," Hermione murmured.

"Yeah, thanks," Ember chimed in.

"Sorry it took so long," Scorpius confessed with a shy grin. "Al caught me in the hall. He started interrogating me on why I hadn't gone to bed yet."

He settled into a chair and picked up the book he had been studying. "Any luck?" he asked.

Hermione shook her head. 

Scorpius sighed but persisted with his work.

As the hours dragged on, they stacked book after book, yet their efforts yielded no breakthrough. Fatigue weighed heavily upon them all.

Eventually, Albus entered the room, his yawns punctuating the late hour. "You guys really need to go to bed. It's like 3 A.M.," he remarked casually, strolling over to Scorpius and running his fingers through his hair. "Scorpius, baby," he whispered, "you look exhausted."

"He's right," Ember conceded, slumping down in her chair. "Besides, it's getting close to the full—" She interrupted herself with a yawn. "—Moon."

Hermione's eyes widened with realization. "How could I be so stupid?" she lamented. "Of course. Ember, I'm sorry. You do look rather pale." 

The group gathered their belongings and exited the library. "Thanks, Albus," Scorpius said sleepily. "Guess I was more tired than I thought."

"Yeah, well, who, Scorpius Malfoy, knows you better than me?" Albus smirked.

Scorpius shrugged, smiling.

Ember yawned, half-leaning on Hermione.

The next morning, James rose at 6 A.M., restless. He couldn't shake Lily from his mind. Merlin, he missed her. Not to mention Sirius and Remus. It was just him and Marlene now. It dawned on James that Marlene must be feeling the same.Dorcas isn't here either .  

As footsteps echoed down the stairs, James looked up to see James Sirius descending. His grandson's eyes met his own.

"Hello, Grandpa," James Sirius greeted warmly.

"Hi, uh, James," James stumbled slightly, finding it peculiar to address someone by his own name.

James Sirius chuckled at the awkwardness. 

"So, do I just sit here or...?"

James and James Sirius both startled and turned to see the youngest Potter looking at them.

"Merlin, Lily!" James Sirius exclaimed, "don't sneak up on people like that!"

Lily giggled innocently, though James Sirius saw through her facade.

"I've got an idea," she piped up 

James raised her eyebrows at her 

"Me and James two are sorta the...pranksters of the family" she started "I hear you were pretty good as well." 

James ginned, mischief dancing in his eyes, "Let's do it," 

"we have to be careful," He cautioned, glancing around the room to ensure they wouldn't be overheard.

Lily nodded eagerly, her eyes alight with excitement. "Absolutely, we'll plan it out perfectly."

James Sirius leaned in, his grin widening. "I love it when a plan comes together."

With their newfound enthusiasm, they huddled together, plotting their mischief. 

"Good morning," Albus said suddenly making the trio jump trying to act nonchalant "What's up?"

"Nothing much," Lily said in such a average tone James Sirius was almost convinced. Lily was an amazing liar. "What about you?" 

"Just got up," Albus replied simply "Just try to be quiet, yeah? Hermione, Ember, and Scorpie where up late last night." 

Lily nodded "Ok, Al, thanks."

James shared a glance with the other two: this is going to be a bit harder with Albus around. 

James Sirius knew he was right, especially if Scorpius was still sleeping. 

"Ok," Lily whispered, risking a glance at Albus who was curled on the couch with his phone, "So we can't prank Ember, seeing how close it is to the full moon"

James shuttered, "if she's anything like Moony I wouldn't want to wake her around the full moon period." 

"And we can't do it on Scorpius because Albus will kill us."

"That leaves Harry, Hermione, and Marlene." James Sirius finished 

"I say Marlene" James said "she can take a good joke,":

"Agreed," said lily

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