
16 5 1

"Where have you been."
The trainer said, glaring at her.

They had recently got a new trainer, as the other one had become pregnant and was taking maternity leave.

Juyeon never liked this one, none of her members did. He was mean and criticized the members for everything, even looks.

"I'm sorry, I had bumped into-"

"I don't fucking care, you're already ugly and untalented as it is. And now you're coming late? Get out."
He said with a cold look.

"Excuse me but I don't think that's fai-"

"Would you also like to be expelled for the day?"
The trainer interrupted Minji as she looked down and shook her head.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? Fuck off"
He shooed juyeon away with his hand.

She glared at his back before smiling sadly at her members and leaving the practice room.


They plopped out on the couch. Mouths still on each other as their hands roamed around each others bodies.

"You needy little slut"
Minho whispered into Jisung's ear, making him moan.

Moaned out jisung, feeling Minho smirking against his neck as he felt his lips bite into his collar bone.

"What i-if Juyeon finds out?"
Asked jisung, still shaking.

"She's in training, plus, you always have concealer"
Said Minho with a wink.

He smiled back at Minho, they had been dating for a while.
A year actually, and the other members found out only three months ago.
Due to Minho being horny as fuck.

Jisung whimpered when Minho started slowly sucking his sensitive skin.

Lifting his hands up to wrap around his neck, jisung was stopped by the soft hands of Minho.

"Keep them down love"
He said rasping his voice as he pinned his hands above jisung's head.

They continued kissing, not even noticing the small body entering the home.

(Henjin: soft smut becoz I suck at writing spicy scenes)

"What the fuck"

They both fell down the couch, looking-no staring at Juyeon who looked tired with puffy eyes and cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry!"
Juyeon stammered before scurrying off to her room.

"Hey, where are you going?"
Minho sensed something was wrong, no one just comes in with sad puppy dog eyes.

"N-nothing! I didn't see anything, uh, please continue, i think?"
They chuckled at her cuteness before calling back to her.

"Come here."

She sat down quietly next to them, heart thumping in excitement. Her favorite idols just casually sitting next to her, no big deal, none at all.

"I guess you know now."
Jisung said, a bit nervous.

"We're dating,"
Minho said confidently, grabbing jisung's hand, making him blush.

Juyeon gaped at them. They were the cutest couple she had ever seen.

"Oh my God, congratulations!"
She said, clapping happily.

"You...don't mind?"

"Not really, I can't control who you love"
She said while shrugging her shoulders.

Suddenly four arms wrapped around her, embracing her with so much force that she fell down on the couch.
Screams being heard from the two members.

They shouted simultaneously.

They kept tickling and hugging her for about twenty minutes before letting her go.

"Thank you so much juyeonnie. You have no idea how much this means to us."
Minho thanked her with a bright smile on his face.

"N-no problem haha."
She said, flustered.

Ruffling her hair, they both went back to their room giggling.

She shoved her hands in hair, sighing. What a day.

"Need help?"



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@LoveofTheCursed is this how you give a shout-out?


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