Godzilla: The Sitcom S1 EP1 - Minilla Home Alone

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                                             Godzilla: The Sitcom S1 EP1 - Minilla Home Alone

1. Godzilla's Apartment. DAY.

Godzilla and Jet Jaguar (both styled in 80s sitcom esque outfits). Both are on a couch playing video games. Jet Jaguar loses against Godzilla in the game. Jet Jaguar starts a conversation

Jet Jaguar: Y'know what would be crazy?

Godzilla: What?

Jet Jaguar: What if we were in a sitcom? And our lives were made up by some neurodivergent nerd with a lot of time on his hands?

Godzilla: That's.... a completely stupid thought. Did you watch The Truman show or something?... Be honest with me, this place has a no-smoking rule, I'll cover for you. I just wanna know-

Jet Jaguar: What? No, dear God no. Drugs are nothing but addictive life-ruiners!


Godzilla: Do you think the bar is still open?

Jet Jaguar: Yeah, I mean we go there daily, so probably

Goji looks back at the T.V screen, J.J looks back too.

Jet Jaguar: Do you at least think the show would be memorable? 

                                              * EXT shot of TO-HOtel. Title card*                                                                                                                                                                                                  

                                                2. INT. Godzilla's apartment. DAY.

Godzilla and Jet Jaguar are heading out for the bar. Minilla walks into the living room from his room.

Minilla: Where are you going Dad-ee!

Godzilla: (Fuck-) Uhhh, Me and Jet are going out, could you take care of yourself? (God, I am an amazing father)

Minilla: OK!

 Godzilla and J.J leave and head out to the bar, Minilla stares blankly at the door.


Godzilla: Do you think Minilla will do alright alone?

Jet Jaguar: Yeah, I mean what's the worst that could happen. 

4. EXT. Some random federal prison in North Carolina. DAY

5. INT. The same federal prison in North Carolina. DAY.

2 guards are guarding a prison cell. they are both dozing off until they both hear a loud clang inside the cell.

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