Godzilla: The Sitcom S1 EP2 - The Chili Competition

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                                              Godzilla: The Sitcom S1 EP2 - The Chili Competition

                                                         1. INT. Godzilla's Apartment. Morning.

 Godzilla is cooking up some breakfast, Minilla walks in.

Minilla: Dadd-ee! What are you cooking!

Godzilla: Some chili, there is a chili competition happening, the chili will be presented in 3 days, and I refuse to lose.

                                                                 Jet Jaguar bursts into the room

Jet Jaguar: Hey, I heard you were making some chili.

Godzilla: Oh, well do you mind helping!

Jet Jaguar: Yeah sure, I also gotta let you know, King Kong knows too.

Godzilla: (tone with disdain) Oh....

Jet Jaguar: But don't worry buddy, I got you! Anyways how is your cooking going?

Godzilla: Well, I decided to shake things up a bit! Hear me out. Chili is normally served with meat, right?

Jet Jaguar: Yeah?

Godzilla: The judges have experienced different types of meats, of different colors and sizes!

Jet Jaguar: Dude....

Godzilla: Not like that, my idea is to make this chili special. Imma be combining it with my King Caesar salad.

Jet Jaguar: I still don't understand why you named the salad after King Caesar....

Godzilla: No not him, I named it after Julius Caesar! You numbskull.

Jet Jaguar: Anyways, carry on!

Godzilla: I need you and Minilla to go and get me some ingredients! Also, please kick Kong in the balls for me, I need as much help as I can get!

Jet Jaguar: Why would kicking him in the balls help you?

Godzilla: Well, my father once said, you need balls of steel to make a good meal! He lost his balls in the war...... probably explains his shit cooking.

Jet Jaguar: What war? Why do are you just now dropping your lore on us when I've known you since 1973!

Minilla: YAY! Imma help dad-ee!

Jet Jaguar: (mumbling) I am helping daddy too

Godzilla: Huh?

Jet Jaguar: Uh...nothing?

                                                                       2. EXT. Baragon-Mart. 11AM.

Jet Jaguar and Minilla are looking for ingredients at Baragon-Mart. They decided to split up. Jet will go get the ingredients for Godzilla's King Caesar salad, and Minilla will get the ingredients for the chili.

Jet Jaguar: Alright....croutons, a bunch of spices.... alright-

King Kong appears with Minilla

King Kong: Yo, I found Minilla stealing from my cart

He throws Minilla onto Jet Jaguar

King Kong: I want Godzilla's spawn out of my sight, or else I'll take care of him with violence!

Minilla: OWIE! That mean man hit me!

Jet Jaguar: Minilla, why were you stealing from him?

Minilla: I was trying to kick him in the balls like dad-ee said!

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