Godzilla: The Sitcom S1 EP3 - Gigan and Megalon

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                                                Godzilla: The Sitcom S1 EP3 - Gigan and Megalon

                                                                    1. INT. Godzilla's Apartment. DAY.

Godzilla and Jet Jaguar are sitting on the couch. Jet is going through old pictures with Godzilla.

Godzilla: Jesus, Jet, you have not aged once, you still look the same like you did in the 70s

Jet: Can't say the same for you! You used to be so adorable back then! and still adorable today

Godzilla: Huh?

Jet: Nothing! 

Godzilla: Anyway, let's look at more!

Jet: Alright....hey who were these 2 again?

Godzilla: Huh? Oh.....didn't we use to hang out with those guys?

Jet: Oh I remember now, that's Gigan and Megalon. Man, Gigan was such a huge nerd, all he did was talk about robotics and all of that stuff.

Godzilla: I know right, he was obsessed with that type of stuff! Hell, I am pretty sure he would've married the stuff, luckily, we talked him out of marrying his sex robot..... 

Jet: Yeah, that was weird! I wonder what happened to him...

Godzilla: I don't know... I remember the last day of college, He was talking to Megalon about something called "transkaijuism" or something like that....

Jet: Oh yeah, Megalon! We were friends with him too! I wonder what happened to those two.... Maybe they ended up like us too! Two bros living in apartments next to each other!

Godzilla: Probably not, I don't think Megalon would have wanted to deal with all that!

Minilla: Dad-ee! What are you two doing!

Godzilla: Nothing right now, why do you ask?

Minilla: The phone is ringing!

Godzilla picks up the phone, it is a call from the front desk. He answers.

Godzilla: Hello?

Ebirah: Hello Godzilla, two dudes came in, claiming to know you and Jet? Could you both come down here and confirm.

Godzilla: I wonder who those could be, Jet, we've been called to go downstairs to the lobby.

Jet Jaguar: Ah sweet! Did my life-size Astofolo statue come in! I loved her!

Godzilla: Jet....what the fuck! Is that what the 2,000 charge on my credit card is from? Y'know what, it doesn't matter, come on, let's go downstairs.

                                              2. INT. TO-HOtel Lobby. 10AM.

Godzilla and Jet arrive at the front desk, and meet up with 2 old friends.

Godzilla: Holy- Gigan and Megalon?

Jet: What are you two doing here?

Megalon: Me and Gigan are here on a honeymoon trip- I mean....we just wanted to visit you two!

Godzilla: Ok, cool....why does Gigan look like that? Why is he wearing that red visor, and is that saw attatched to his body? 

Jet: Yeah, Gigan... What happened?

Gigan stares at the two, his visor reflects a blinding light.

Gigan: From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspire to the purity of the blessed machine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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