1 - Broken past, Broken drone.

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This chapter may or may not be edited later. 

Memories hurt. I try not to remember my past.

"J! Help me!"

"I told you to stay away, Tessa."





"Welcome to JCJenson. Your name is Serial Designation J. You have been reborn as a murder drone. Your main objective is to follow orders. You will work with two other murder drones, N and V. You may remember them."


But, sometimes it's just too hard to forget.


"J. J!"

"Argh... What, V?" J groaned at the sound of the overly enthusiastic murder drone below her.

"I just saw a group of workers sneak out of the bunker! They were heading North. The sun sets in about 10 minutes, we could easily kill them!"

"Mhm... yeah, whatever." J shifted on the metal rod she was currently hanging upside down from, her wings gently shifting on her to cover her body more.

"J! We'd have enough oil for months! Plus, don't you want to complete our mission? There can't be THAT many workers left. We've already killed at least 100." V droned on, getting more impatient the longer J stayed dormant.

"Okay! Okay. We'll get them at dusk." J suddenly dropped from the rod, her wings disappearing into her back as she landed rather eloquently.

"YES!" V hopped up and down, extending her clawed hands in excitement.

"N, take the south. V, take the west. I'll surprise them and take the north. Circle back when you've killed your portion."

N and V nodded, both taking their directions after the order was given. J quickly followed suit, flying above the frozen forest and into the clouds. The sun had now set, making everything seem way darker and colder. Makes sense. The trees blew with the wind, some branches snapping from the harsh weather.

Snow pricked at J's visor as she slowly descended. The worker drone squad had no idea she was anywhere close to them. Or so she thought. J landed carefully and quietly a few paces behind the group. She could see N and V getting into their positions as she advanced slowly and stealthily.


What the–

"Tie her down! Tie her down!" Somehow the worker drones knew they were coming. Multiple different hordes of worker drones appeared from every direction. The ones that captured J in a net came from behind. "It's a trap!" J heard V yell as she flew to the sky with N in toe, both fighting off nets and what seemed like arrows? Where and how the hell did they arrows and bows?


Arrows were flying everywhere, worker drones were everywhere. Where did all of these worker drones come from? How long did it take them to plan this? How could they make such indestructible nets and weaponry? So many questions. Such little time.


V could tell they were in a rough situation. That part was obvious. But what she didn't know was what to do about it. J was their leader. She gave the orders. But with her in a net and the two of them stuck in the sky, she had no clue what to do.

V looked down at J with both concern and confusion. J noticed this and gave her a slight nod.


She wants me to just leave her?

I continued dodging arrows and nets, staring at J in shock, but she just nodded again, this time with more aggression.


"N, time to go!"

"But, what about J?"

"She'll figure it out. We're leaving. Now."


J watched as her squad flew away. The arrows stopped just a few seconds after their departure.

"Well well well. What do we have here?"

A worker with a mustache and a hat with goggles approached her, walking with a sense of authority. He adjusted his mustache before speaking again.

"This net is something we've been working on for quite some time now. Like it? It's made out of rubber and silicon carbide, one of the most indestructible irons on this planet. Sadly, not the strongest, but it's what we have to work with. Thankfully for us, it'll keep you here just long enough for us to get back to the bunker. Unfortunately for you, it might just keep you here until the sun rises. I guess we'll see by the morning. We'll be back to dispose of you either way. Anyway, we best get going. See you soon, murder drone scum." And then they were gone. Every single one of them.

"V! N! Get your lousy asses back here!" No answer. "Shit!" The more J clawed at the netting the more tangled around her it got and the more tired she got. If she didn't get out of the netting quick enough she'd either die of oil deprivation or scorching from the sun.

"V! N!"

J continued to helplessly tussle with the net. Biting and scratching at it to no avail.

"Uh, do you want some help...?"

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