The devil made me do it (but i also kinda wanted to)

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Yuu sits in a dark corner of some bar with dim lights and the various warriors, travelers, merchants and such. A familiar annoyance filled him from his feet being the only pair that didn't reach the ground, he often forget what people faces were since looking up was a bother. He took a sip of his sickly sweet drink that left a burn in the back of his throat. A particularly loud table made his tail twitch with irritation, he was a half demon and young by their standards. Black goat like horns, long nails and a long tail with a puff of fluff at the end were the visible features of this. He usually just cosplayed human when in any towns. The obnoxious smell of medicine still stuck to him like a leach from his work on some new traveler he scammed for a quick buck. The stereotype of innocent healers who just wanted to help sure was useful for fools like them. His leg bounces up and down nervously until it went numb, hands obsessively running through his hair. He would leave the town soon, he never stayed in one place long

The sun unfortunately once again rose as Yuu left the bar with wobbly steps and dazed eyes. Pulling the hood over his head as his horns and tail disappeared with transfiguration magic, this area was more diverse than the next so it was preferable to hide his demonic features. He read his map as he left the town, trusting himself even with the alcohol to navigate for enough. The head priest would catch him if he stayed here any longer so leaving was a must. It would take nearly 2 days to travel to the next village. The forest was a comfort for the young demon, nothing was as complicated as socializing there, tho he'd be lying if he said walking through it wasn't a pain, the branches and thorns scratched him and his feet hurt a bit but it was far from the worst thing he had experienced. Demons didn't sleep much so he would walk for days on end until he begin to cross a bridge. He may or may not have been abusing substances he keeps on him which may explain the hallucination currently happening, a hand in pure black water to be exact. Yuu was a dangerously curious child and unwisely leaned over the edge to see better, perhaps it was the inexplicable voices in his head telling him or perhaps the boy simply didn't want to be in this world anymore.

He jumped

His head was empty as he fell, dull almost black, brown eyes that had a red shine in light reflected in the black liquid as the hands grabbed him with a firm grip. The water returned to normal as the young demon named yuu who was once know as the son of god departed this world to another as if he was never there to begin with, the bridge now quiet and empty, every animal nearby decaying. Yuu's own vision now nothing but black as he falls, a odd calm fell over in this emptiness, nothing is safer than nothingness after all. As he fell into a deep slumber he wondered if anyone would miss him, hopefully not was what he settled on

The first thing yuu felt was some sort of hard floor underneath him, then the smell of ink then attacked him, coughing as he slowly gets up with sore limbs. The first thing he sees in claws, big fucking claws. Jumping away in a panic he looked up at the...thing. his sight was still blotchy and hazy, limbs moving like stiff plastic as he stumbled away, using his tail to balance. Casting a quick presence erasing spell he hides away, as his vison clears he surveys the area. It was a larg destroyed doom shaped room with many arched windows that might of once stood tall, a lage chandelier laying broken on the floor, in the middle was the beast, around were many destroy windows and what looked like burning coffins. The beast was a large feline like creature with pitch black almost human like clawed hands for front legs and talons for back, blue fire spewed from it like a lions mane along with tentacles, on its back sprouted two tattered bat like wings and scales led down the rest of its back ending into a snake's tail that quietly hissed. While horrific the beast didn't seem hostile, its eyes glowing a firey blue were oddly calm. Quietly Yuu stepped out, disabling his spell and it looked at him but didn't attack, instead it slowly approached like it-... they were trying not to scare Yuu. He was guarded but didn't hide away once more. Once the beast closed the distance it nudged yuus tense body -the fire had a almost comforting warmth but it hurt if he was touching it to long- towards the center were...a broken mirror was repairing itself. Their push was horribly gentle like he was glass, Yuu would have preferred if they just attack him rather than unwarranted carefulness. Despite his instincts he went without fighting, the mirror was completely fixed now. He hesitantly pet the beast, careful to avoid the fire that burns from his ears as well as to not scrach to hard with his sharp nails, the beast purred happily and yuu smiled. A deep male voice with a theatrical flair spoke from the mirror in a language he swore he hadn't heard before yet understood.

" beloved dear
My glorious, beautiful flower of evil
You are the fairest in all the land
Listen to your hearte desire and take the hand my lovely rose"

A outstretched hand appeared it the mirror with a black glove and gold finger guards. His words reminded yuu of the empty flattery that sounded like nails on a chalk board to his ears but the mirrors words didn't feel as hollow as theirs did, if yuu was anyone else he'd say it was affectionate. The beast nuzzled him before softly pushing him forward, he wondered for a moment what he had to loss, nothing, so he slowly stretched out his hand, it phased through the glass and rested on the gloved hand before its long fingers curled around his own. A part of him wanted to let go but the beast nudged him encouragingly and he always hated disappointing

I post drawings for this fan fic occasionally

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