Fine, Make Me Your Villain Part 2

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Hello again my wonderful children, I thought I'd write the next part to the chapter 'Fine, Make Me Your Villain'. Anyway I hope you enjoy reading the second instalment to this chapter. Please remember that you are loved and cared for. I love you all and let's begin, shall we? 😊

The heroes of the audience sit in their chair slumping as unhappy looks take over their features. The villains are still sitting in their seats frozen with fear. But while this occurs, Shadow is just watching them with complete amusement and satisfactory, although that is all hidden by her mask.

The video on the screen commences, showing the same scene from before. That scene being All For One standing there with a shocked and concerned look on his face, as he proceeds to speak with a nervous and shaky tone. "Why.... Why would you call me that... You have no right to address me that way." Towards the end of his statement, All For One's tone becomes filled with rage and anger but also hurt.

The camera pans back to Aizawa, who is now smirking. "What? Something wrong, Dad?" Aizawa speaks smugly and rolls his eyes. The camera shifts to All For One, who looks extremely pissed at Aizawa's words.

"Don't you dare talk back to me!" All For One yells out to Aizawa. Aizawa just rolls his eyes and scoffs. But his expression changes at All For One's next words. "You know what it doesn't matter... You can't do anything to me." All For One says smugly and continues with. "Especially since you'll be arrested if you do... you know..." All For One laughs maniacally.

The audience are shocked at the information that was just spat right in their faces. There is silence as they try to come to terms with the information that was just thrown at them. But after a little while of processing, someone speaks up. "All For One's name is Hisashi and he is Sensei's Dad?!" Mina speaks, shock completely taking over her features and voice.

Shadow just nods, not saying a word like usual. She allows them to recover from the shock for a few minutes before continuing the video. So, after those few minutes, she informs them that they are going to continue watching the video. So, as she says that she presses play on the video, allowing the video to commence.

Aizawa just smirks and he cocks an eyebrow. "Oh, I won't be arrested." Aizawa says with his usual tone of voice. That causes a confused look to fall upon All For One's face. "What do you mean? You'll most definitely be arrested if you do that?" All For One says with a confused tone.

Aizawa chuckles. "Oh, Dad... I already discussed this with my adoptive father... who now runs the hero commission. So, I know for a fact that I will not be arrested." There is a deadly aura surrounding Aizawa, but other than that he continues to speak with his usual monotone voice.

All For One stills for a few seconds, before he chuckles. His eyes turn wicked and his chuckle turns into a full out maniac laughter. "Well then... Even if you don't get arrested, you still won't be able to defeat me." All For One says smugly with a hint of amusement to his words.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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