Chapter 19

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I left Mazikeen in my room and made my way down the stairs to the living room where I knew everyone was gathered. It was obvious something had happened at school; she was fine before she left this morning. At least, I think she was.

Honestly, I don't really know. When I saw her, it felt like my heart dropped. She's my little sister, and I've noticed how everyone in the family treats her. She's only been here a short time, and it's like they all hate her. Well, everyone except for Dianna. Dianna already sees Mazikeen as her daughter, even though they haven't really talked much yet.

"Yo, you all good, Rapha? You seem a little stressed," Niklo asked. He's always checking in on us. I just nodded at him, not trusting myself to speak.

As I entered the living room, Alex and Al were talking to Dianna, Matteo, Mattie, and Lena were on their phones, Luc and Alf were watching TV, and Niklo, Ant, and Dad were talking about the mafia. I went to sit as far away from everyone as possible, not wanting to talk.

It was now 11-something, and we were still in the living room, all of us watching TV when there was a bang on the front door and shooting outside. Dad yelled at us to go upstairs. Dianna grabbed the two youngest and ran up the steps. Matteo, Mattie, and Lena followed closely behind. The rest of us pulled out our guns and started upstairs too. We all got to the hallway but were stopped by a group of people.

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way," a girl with blonde hair stepped up from the group. She looked to be 20 years old at the most. Behind her were two guys, one brunette and one blonde. They looked a little bit similar, just different hair colors—probably twins. To the left of the boys was the Russian mafia don. It now clicked into my head: this was the Russian mafia family.

What were they doing here?

"Where is she?" the brunette boy yelled. His face was emotionless, but his eyes were full of rage.

"Where's who?" Tony asked calmly.

"Reine. We know she's here," the blonde boy spoke up this time.

"I'm sorry, we don't know who you're talking about. I swear, Mr. Marozvov, if we had her, we would have handed her over by now," Dad said, looking at the Russian mafia don.

Tension filled the air as we stood in a standoff. The blonde girl glanced around the hallway, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. "We don't have time for games," she hissed.

"Where the fuck is Reine!" One of them screamed.

"Hand her over, or we'll tear this place apart." The girl spoke up once again.

Dianna, standing protectively in front of the younger kids, shot me a worried glance. I tightened my grip on my gun, my mind racing.

Before I could think further, the Russian mafia don stepped forward, his presence commanding silence.

"You have one minute to bring Reine to us," he said, his voice cold and authoritative.

Dad shook his head slowly. "I swear on my family, we don't have her."

The don's eyes flicked to me, and I felt a chill run down my spine. "Then we'll search every inch of this house until we find her." As they started advancing, I knew we were out of time. I exchanged a look with Niklo. We had to protect our family, no matter what.

The chaos outside continued to escalate as I quietly made my way to my room

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The chaos outside continued to escalate as I quietly made my way to my room. My heart pounded with each step, the nose from the hall fading into random sounds in my ears. Inside, my mind was racing, thoughts crashing into each other like waves in a storm.

I closed the door behind me, the sound of the hinges barely audible over the shouts. I leaned against the door, trying to steady my breathing and collect my thoughts.

Lou was gone. The realization struck me again, harder this time.

So I did the only reasonable thing.

I left the house.

I left though the window and made my way down the street to my car I left when I went on my mission it was a SSC tuatara.

I drove to the only place I could think of, I needed to find Lou.

The drive was a blur, my thoughts once again were all over the place. The car roared down the streets, its engine echoing. 

I arrived at my destination, the cold night air hitting me as I stepped out of the car. It was quiet, I hurried inside my footsteps echoing after each step I took.

I entered a room filled with technology. I walked through the maze of equipment and settled in fount of a monitor. My first task was hacking into the school's security camera, the last place I knew she had been. From there, I tracked their car through the city's CCTV network, following their route until they reached her house.

The next step was breaking into the home surveillance system. It wasn't easy. The Russian mafia didn't make such things simple. But after a few tense minutes, I was in. I watched the footage closely until I saw Lou leaving the house for a walk.

Without another thought I got into the CCTV network one again. This time Lou somehow ended up in alley way the cams didn't show anything inside the alley but I did see about 10 men walk in a minute after dragging an unconscious Lou to a black van driving off.

Oh they are going to pay.


Hello my wonderful readers really sorry for making you wait like 6 months for this chapter but it's here now and I'm working on the next one right now.

Lots of love

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02 ⏰

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