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Crowley is already in the car because damn, thank goodness, he thought this was never going to end. Aziraphale takes a bit longer to arrive because he's slower. He gets into the car.

He takes a bit more whiskey because he also doesn't want to have the conversation that's coming now and then puts the bottle in the glove compartment, looking at him.


"So..." Crowley raises his eyebrows and then starts the engine.

"T-This is a misunderstanding." the angel looks at his hands.

"Oooh. A... misunderstanding. Uh-huh?" the demon looks at him sideways.


"Could be. I was hoping you'd explain it to me."

"M-Me?" Aziraphale looks at him sideways.

"Well, what do you think has been misunderstood? What do you mean?" Crowley shrugs.

"Well, they... Uhm." he looks at his hands again.


"You know how humans are. People tend to be weird. A bit. And getideas. And they're my friends and..." I don't have nearly as many friends to make a fuss about this, and it's easier to ignore them and pretend I don't understand, he thinks to himself. He blushes and squints.

"Doesn't that bother you? The ideas. The kind of ideas, I mean."

"W-What do you mean?"

"So what's the misunderstanding, according to you?"

"You know what it is" he glances at him sideways.

"It seems there are several, so since we're at it, I want to know the one you consider important."

"Y-You and I... w-we respect each other" he wipes his hands and sighs into his pants, nervous.

"Don't make this weird by talking about that, Aziraphale" Crowley wrinkles his nose and leans back, rolling his eyes, but doesn't look at him because he's blushing a bit. The angel squints at this scolding. "Uhm... W-What about all those people?"

"What about them?"

"Well, you'll say."

"What do you mean? The people that..."

"The one from the Satanic bookstore, the stripper, Oscar..."

"Ah, some are used to explain some stories I've had to tell and that you might find familiar.



"I didn't find the one about the writer familiar at all."

"Ahh, that" he blushes a little and looks at his hands. "I had explained about him on the way there."

"Really? Doesn't seem like you told me anything given how it turned out."

"H-How not?! Considering the time we have..."

"Well, we have quite a bit now."

"D-Do we? We actually came quickly here and... W-Well, you'd have to tell me other things."

"I'd have to tell you what?"

"Well, how you've been, what you've thought. And what you've been told, besides this!"

"Ah, right" succinct summaries by Anthony Janthony Crowley.

"Right? Is that all you're going to tell me? "Right"?"

"Well, I haven't killed you all as I thought might happen at some point. It's gone pretty well in my opinion."

"Kill us? Why?"

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