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It was Scoups day off, and Areum wanted to make it special.

They sat together in her living room, sipping coffee and enjoying the lazy morning.

He came here early to enjoy the most of the day with her.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Areum asked, looking at him expectantly

"Annoy you" he said pinching her side


"That was fast" he said

"For real..." Areum said pouting

"Ok ok" he thought for a moment, then smiled. "Honestly? I just want a normal day. Let's do something simple and relaxing."

Areum nodded, her smile matching his. "Sounds perfect. How about we start with some grocery shopping? I need to pick up a few things. My boyfriend ate everything"

"That sounds good. And your boyfriend will pay for it. No arguments so don't even  try" he said. "Let me grab my stuff, and we can head out."

They made their way to the local grocery store, enjoying the cool morning air. The store was pretty quiet so they took their time.

"Do you like melons ?" Areum asked, holding up a carton.

"Love them," he replied, taking the carton and placing it in their basket. "How about these?" He held up a box of cookies.

Areum laughed. "You're like a kid in a candy store. Sure, let's get them."

Scoups  grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know, you promised me a normal day, but shopping with you feels like a date"

"You don't usually do this?"

"Hmm always somebody would recognize me"

"Shit... we should leave" Areum worried face made Scoups grabbed her arm and softly brushed her skin

"It's ok...."

"Are you sure? We can leave" Areum said . "How about you pick out the pasta? I'll go pick anything else"

"Stop worrying"he said, winking as he walked over to the pasta aisle.

They continued shopping, filling their basket with fresh produce, snacks, and ingredients for dinner.

As they moved through the store, they chatted about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company.

"What's your favorite food to cook?" Areum asked as they selected some vegetables.

"Hmm, probably something simple like ramen," he said. "I'm not much of a chef."

"Well, you're about to get a crash course," Areum replied, her eyes twinkling. "We'll make a pasta dish today. It's easy and delicious."

"Lead the way, Chef Areum," he said, giving her a mock bow.

After checking out, they headed back to Areum's apartment, arms full of grocery bags.

They put everything away and then set to work preparing a meal together.

"Okay, chef, what's on the menu?" Seungcheol asked, rolling up his sleeves.

"The pasta I talked about" Areum suggested. "It's easy, and we can both work on it."

"Perfect," he agreed. "I'll chop the vegetables."

They moved around the kitchen in a comfortable rhythm, laughing and talking as they cooked.

Scoups proved to be surprisingly good with a knife, and Areum guided him through the recipe with ease.

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