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Positive Traits:

1. Intelligent: Kajal has a sharp mind that helps her quickly understand complex situations and solve challenging cases.

2. Analytical: She has a strong analytical ability, allowing her to piece together clues and evidence effectively.

3. Resourceful: Kajal is good at making the best use of available resources to solve problems and gather information.

4. Independent: She is self-reliant and capable of working efficiently without needing constant supervision.

5. Innovative: Her creative thinking helps her come up with unique solutions to difficult cases.

6. Loyal: Kajal is deeply committed to her team and works hard to support and protect her colleagues.

7. Determined: Once she sets her mind to something, she pursues it with great determination and perseverance.

Negative Traits:

1. Prone to Anger: Kajal can sometimes let her temper get the better of her, leading to conflicts and hasty decisions.

2. Impatient: Her drive to get things done quickly can sometimes make her impatient, especially with slower processes or people.

3. Stubborn: She can be inflexible in her opinions and approaches, resistant to considering alternative viewpoints.

4. Impulsive: Her tendency to act on her emotions can lead to impulsive decisions that may not always be well thought out.

5. Overly Critical: Kajal's high standards can make her overly critical of herself and others, leading to strained relationships at times.


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