Chapter Eleven

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This time I was awoken at 1:30pm by my scheduled alarm. I got up and yawned before making my way to the bathroom across from my temporary room, taking great care not to trip in my half awake state. I shed my clothes and stepped under the warm stream of water, washing my hair and allowing my body to relax in the feeling. I needed to be relaxed before I spent every waking moment with him, today.

I shut the shower off after a sufficient wash and dried myself while bunching and wringing mg hair out. The water had stung my eyes slightly but I was certainly more awake now which was a huge plus. Todays outfit was going to have to be something not too warm so I...


I stopped my thoughts in their tracks. A new idea beginning to form as my eyes shifted over to his closet, sitting unassumingly in the corner. It was a bold move. But could he handle himself if I walked out wearing his clothing?... God when did I become this person. Someone who wanted so desperately to get under his skin and to drown in his attention that even him getting mad, and frustrated would do. Just something. Some kind of revelation that told me I wasn't nothing to him.

I sifted through his closet without making too noticeable a mess and picked out some clothes that would keep me nice and cool. A pair of his shorts and a shirt paired with a jacket that looked quite nice. All of his clothes were either black, red and purple, or this amazing blue and gold colour. He kept very specific designs and they were very tasteful. The outfit I chose today were all matching pieces that had the blue and gold pattern on them. Paired with some nice white shoes and sunglasses and I was ready to make my move. Would he be ready to make his?

After drying my hair I pulled out my phone and saw it was 2:26pm. I sprinted down to the main hall with my school bag on my shoulders to avoid being late and waited patiently at the door. On the dot at 2:30pm the same limo from before pulled up and Scaramouche got out. I opened the door and stepped out, prepared to be confident.

"Ah your here, ready?"

He didn't notice right away as he looked more at my face, as if deciphering some puzzle.

"Yup all good to g-"

"Did you sleep enough?"

I decided to nod this time incase he had more questions. If he did he would simply interrupt and ask them. The silence seemed to please him anyhow.

"Yes and directly after class we will have to visit the office and start your day of work. As you know I have no dress code and that outfit is perfectly fi-"

He froze. Stopped dead in his tracks as for the first time he really took in my outfit. To an outsider he looked normal, just stunned. But I saw the way his lips parted, how his nostrils flared... Even the telltale of a sudden twitch in his eye showed something was affecting him. My move.

"Oh uh, yeah that sounds fine I didn't know if you wanted me in business or business casual so I went safe with a chill outfit for today."

I walked past him to get into the limo as he remained rooted to the spot, unspeaking. I felt a hand grip my wrist and a sense of déjà vu from last night passed through my mind. He pushed me against the limo with a furious look in his eye. His hands gripped my waist hard as he stared me down.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?"

I tried to play dumb and act as if I had forgotten it was even his closet. I was starting to feel bad about doing this, he seemed quite vexed.

"What do you me-"

"Don't play dumb with me. Because we both know I'm smarter than that."

"I'm sucking off a CEO" (Scaramouche x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now