Jacket pt2

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Shubman's pov

I do not find him arrogant or think of him as a spoiled brat. Even if he might believe that I do. If anything, I think he is one of the sweetest and nicest guys ever, with a heart of gold. Well- he's nice and sweet to everyone except me.
I still remember our first interaction. I was playing for KKR back then and he had gotten late or something, which is why he was wearing a punishment outfit.

Despite everyone making fun of him, I, for one, thought he looked adorable in it. Which is exactly why I went up to him and said,
"Nice costume!"
Back then he just gave me a smile and didn't respond. But now that I think about it, he might've thought I was being sarcastic, and his smile, in return, must've been sarcastic aswell. The next time we met, he had become snappy and rude.

At first, I tried to be nice to him despite, because I very clearly liked him. He would get annoyed by every little thing I did, whether it involved him or not and he would be sure to point it all out. No, like seriously. He would go around pointing every single small thing that I did. Like, 'Why does he walk like that? Why does he talk like that?' which eventually, everyone grew tired off.

I remember Virat bhai getting really annoyed and Rohit bhai had strictly forbidden him from continuing to do that. At first, I was glad, but then I realized that since he couldn't point out everything wrong with me, he stopped paying attention to me. He didn't speak to me or even notice me and that didn't sit right with me. So, I started picking arguments with him, and that is how we ended up here.

Well- not here as in- him in my arms. I mean, him in my arms, was something I had only dreamt about.
"Don't you have your phone?"
"I did, until someone stole it from me. Take a guess."
"I'm bored."
"What do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know... something! Since you aren't letting me sleep."
I ignored him, going back to my thoughts about- well him.
"Let's watch TV!"
"There isn't any electricity here, if you couldn't tell."
I said looking around at the dark room and he rolled his eyes.
"This is why I hate you. Such a know it all."

My face dropped, very visibly and I had to blink profusely to control my tears. Thankfully it was too dark for him to notice. Okay, I don't even know why I'm overreacting. It isn't even like this is the first time he's saying something like this to me. He snuggled his face inside the jacket and now that I couldn't see his face anymore, I calmed down and decided to savor this moment. I wouldn't hold him so close to me again and I should ignore his words and just enjoy the feeling.

After a while, I heard his soft snores and I sighed. I was hoping he would stay awake so I could talk to him, with him being this close to me and all, but I guess I was destined to admire him only when he was asleep. Not like I could see his face right now, but close enough. I snuggled closer to him, resting my head on top of his and before I knew it, I fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I had woken up due to feeling hot.

Wait- why was I feeling hot, it was supposed to be freezing here. Looking down, I realized it was because of the body heat Ishan was radiating. But it was too much, especially for someone who was half naked. I carefully removed his head from within my jacket and upon touching his face, I panicked. He was hot. Yes, he was hot- but I mean his face felt hot. He had a high fever. I slowly unwrapped my jacket from around him.

He instantly shivered and I quickly removed the jacket, making him wear it completely. Now, I know that I was obviously providing him more warmth being in the jacket with him, than the jacket alone could, but I had to get up and figure something out. Get Ishan out of here somehow. I made him lay on the couch and he whined, which made me smile a little. I could whine right now too, because I was just as upset with the loss of contact.

I shook my head and looked around, before making a beeline towards the small cupboard. I tried to open it, but it was locked and I was about to punch it in anger, but then remembered a sleeping Ishan and stopped myself. I made my way to the door and started knocking on it softly.
"Anyone there?"
But I got impatient eventually, and started loudly banging on the door.

I heard the door being opened and I stopped my yelling and banging and quickly walked back towards Ishan, picking him up (bridal style) and then I walked out of the door. It was opened by some guard and judging by the guilty look on his face, he was well aware we had been in there.

He was probably ordered by Rishabh and that is why I only glared at him, understanding his situation, before leaving the place and almost sprinting to my room. I thankfully had a single room and Ishan shared his with Surya bhai, who I didn't want to disturb in the middle of the night. When I reached my room, I lay Ishan down on my bed and checked the time. It was 4 a.m and I contemplated on whether I should call the team doctor, but decided against it.

I could do this myself, for now. I'd ask the doctor to check him in the morning. I covered him with the duvet and made him swallow fever reducers and then sat next to him for the rest of the night, putting a wet cloth on his forehead and changing it constantly, trying to bring the fever down. I hadn't slept a wink, worried about Ishan's fever increasing had I forgotten to change the wet cloth. 


New book, same old (boring) me!

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