Jacket pt4

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Ishan's pov

We had to left the hotel after two days. We were supposed to go to another state for the next match. For the whole of those two days, Shubman had ignored me completely, despite me staying in his room. The only time he would acknowledge my presence was to hand me my meds. For the whole journey, Shubman ignored me completely and when we reached, I was once again paired with Surya bhai.

This went on for about a month. I tried to talk to him, he would ignore me, and it just felt horrible. I never realized how habitual I had grown to our fights. I always used to tell myself that I hated him and the way he fought with me over the tiniest things, but I had realized recently that it was fun. It was entertaining. We used to entertain others too by the looks of it, obviously only if it didn't go too far.

Everyone looked bored as hell right now. But to me it wasn't just entertaining. I realized there were times when I would be feeling upset or down and he'd just come to me and start arguing about the silliest things. I would get annoyed but it would distract me and that's what I needed right now. A distraction. From him, but it's funny how the person who holds to key to distract me from my overthinking, is also the person because of whom, I'm overthinking in the first place.

I wanted him in my life. I wasn't doing well with him ignoring me. I wanted his attention. I craved it. I didn't have to worry about that before, since his attention was always on me. But now, as I watched him laughing with other people, completely ignoring my existence, I felt the need to go up to him, take his face in my hands and force him to look at me. Give me attention.

I couldn't though. It was the last match of the test series, which had been ongoing for more than a month now and it was in Punjab. As expected, Abhishek had showed up the day we reached, to meet Shubman. I stared at them as they interacted, very bitterly, may I add. The way Abhishek's hands made their way around Shubman. The way they whispered in each other's ears, not acknowledging the world.

The way they laughed wholeheartedly, without realizing they were being loud. They were being loud. Obnoxiously loud. Could someone tell them to shut up? Like seriously. When Abhishek hugged Shubman for the millionth time, I had had just about enough of them and I finally tore my gaze away from them. However, my eyes had a mind of their own, as they kept lingering back to them.

"Ishan! Focus boy!"
I heard our coach say and I apologized for the millionth time as I tried to focus on practicing. Why wasn't coach saying anything to Shubman? He was there just sitting, chilling with his 'bestfriend' while the rest of us were working hard, practicing. Well, I was trying to practice, but it still counts. My eyes lingered back to them and I failed to notice the ball coming at me, with full speed.

I diverted my attention back to it  only when I was hit with the impact of the ball on my arm. I winced and dropped my bat to the ground, holding my arm. Everybody circled around me right away, asking me if I was ok. Shubman just stood at the back, observing, but making no move to approach or check my arm. Well, he wasn't a doctor but he could atleast pretend to care a little!
"You should go to the physio."

Rohit bhai ordered. I was about to refuse when Abhishek spoke up.
"I'm free! I can take him."
I turned to look at Shubman at that and found him staring at the ground like it was the most interesting thing. He didn't look interested in me, so I accepted the offer. Because, why not?
I smiled at Abhishek. And he nodded at us to start leaving the ground.

However, Abhishek turned back to look at someone.
"Let's go."
I turned around to see, everybody else had already resumed their practice and Shubman was the only one standing there.
"No. I'm fine here."
Ofcourse he didn't want to come. Why would he? He didn't care. I don't care either. Yes. I don't.

Abhishek however, wasn't taking no for an answer as he dragged Shubman with us. The physio brought me some an ice pack to ice the arm. Abhishek volunteered to hold it for me. The minute he held it to my arm, I winced hard.
"I'm so sorry!"
I looked over at Shubman to see him staring at the wall. Abhishek placed it again, gently.

"Do you need something?"
"Water, please."
Abhishek nodded and then turned to Shubman.
"Go get him some water."
Abhishek looked at Shubman shocked.
"Fine. I'll get him some water, you hold this."
Abhishek threw the ice pack at Shubman, who caught it, before leaving the room.

"I can hold it myself-"
I tried to say but he ignored me and sat in a chair next to me, holding it against my arm. I winced again and he instantly pulled it away.
"It's fine."
He gently placed it back, hesitantly. We sat there in silence until Abhishek came back.
"Good. If I had seen Ishan holding the ice pack himself, I would've killed you."

I saw Shubman rolling his eyes and I smiled a little. The physio asked me to rest completely and gave me some pain killers and ointment. I went back to my room and started wondering, Yes, I liked Abhishek, in the past. I would feel jealous of seeing them together. But who was the jealousy for really? In the past I would've known right away. But right now, I wasn't so sure. Was it really for Abhishek or...?

There's no way I liked Shubman... I mean I liked arguing with him. I liked when all his attention was on me. I liked...him. I fell asleep thinking about it. I woke up around a couple hours later to see Surya bhai back from practice. After a while, the doorbell rung and Surya bhai opened it. He shut it again, after a conversation with the person at the other end.

"Who was it?"
"It was Shubman."
"Oh! What did he want?"
"He just wanted to know if you took your meds and applied the ointment. He was acting weird. Only left after I assured him I would help you."


Sorryyyy for the late update.
It was Eid!

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