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sneak peak

"you know what you need to do to win this competition?" maeve asked after i filled her in. "go to mr conley's office and gather a sense of  who he is, what he would swoon over."

"that's a good idea," i said. "i've never even heard of this guy. hopefully he actually has a heart unlike a lot of the staff, 'cause apparently we're supposed to touch it."

"sounds kind of perverted to me." she started packing up. the bell was going to ring in less than a minute, so i did the same.

"i don't want to ask you to be a pervert or anything, but would you be able to write a love letter?" the sentence sounded a little off, but i figured that hats would have a doubled chance of being funded if she and jordyn also submitted their letters. maybe it doing so could teach them to be less perverted in general, too...

"yeah, sure! let me know what you get out of conley."

passing period started. we made our way out the door, vigilant of madeline or jake. the coast was clear. before i turned the corner to go to sixth period, i asked maeve, "are we cool?"

"yeah, i would say like room temperature, yeah," she said, nodding.

i returned the nod, slightly confused but accepting it. then i waved "goodbye" and went on my merry way to english.

before i left that class for lunch, i asked my teacher where i could find mr conley's office. she said that he was almost always in room 237. noted.

i remembered to deliver the sense gathering proposition to walker over text that night, once i reached in the step of my daily routine where i review every single detail of the prior school hours.

hey, my valentine ;)

hello, mine.

darling, i thought i would share an idea crafted by the one and only maeve (i think we are talking again).
tomorrow, the adorable couple that is us will gallop on over to room 237 and  get a sense of who the chairperson is at heart.
only then will we discover what it takes to be victorious, and we will have an immense advantage over all the other pairs.

(that's great. also, loving the method acting) of course i would love to partake in this beautifully crafted plan, dear.
but what time would this take place?

we could simply inquire with mr grant, my love.   
you mustn't get your feathers ruffled. i would place bets higher than our current funds that he will accept our request.

𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨, 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 ( 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙡 )Where stories live. Discover now