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"Bro I AM PISSED and irritated already" says Pooja stomping her legs.

"Why?" Asks Nimisha

"Arey yaar first of all we don't like Saket branch girls after all our inter branch matches and now we have to shift there for Grade 10, imagine karke hi irritate horahi hu" she says putting her head down and then suddenly gets up.
(Already getting irritated thinking about this)

"Ye ladki kahan hai?" Pooja questions with her eyes wide
(Where is this girl?)


"From 10 minutes?" "Kuch toh kadbad hai Nimmu"
(There is something wrong Nimmu)

They both gave a look at each other and ran into the washroom. They saw the washroom was empty but one stall was closed but there wasn't any sound.

"Kashvi?" Nimisha calls for me knocking at the only closed toilet stall.

"Yes I am here" I say doing something very important which I didn't mention to my friends. I get out of the stall and lock it immediately.

"Let's leave!" I pull my friends and run to class.

"I hope you are not causing any trouble" Nimisha says to me.

"It's our last day in this branch. Tomorrow we will go to the new branch. Of course I will not do anything" I say with a smile folding my lips.

"I am pretty sure you have done something" Pooja laughs.

The teacher enters the class as our short break was done. She continues the class by giving our exam papers as it's our last day of Grade 9.

"3, 2 and ...1" I whisper

"BOOM!" an explosive sound occurs. Everybody is running from their place. The entire floor is in chaos. I also start running around and screaming.

"Ye thoda overacting lag raha hai" Pooja says seeing me run and scream.
(This looks like your are overacting)

The teacher tries to silence us but we all continue to scream. She leaves the room to see what happened. The moment she leaves Nimisha hits my head asking "What did you do idiot?"

"Nothing Nimmu, I just put sutli bomb and attached it with a agarbatti"

"You will surely get in trouble" Nimisha sighs with disappointment.

"Don't worry, by the time they realise it's me we would be in another branch" I say with a proud feel of my act.

📣 Announcement
Dear students, This is your principal speaking. I request you all to settle down and not panic as the sound was caused by an illogical prank pulled by a student. We will make sure to take immediate action for this behaviour. Thank you.

"This is bad Kash" Pooja says with a disappointed look. I am shocked because Pooja is always involved in my notorious acts except this one since I wanted my friends to be safe.

"Exactly. This is bad. Why are you like this?" Nimisha says after hitting my head again.

"That's what. How dare you do this without calling me bro" Pooja says wiping her invisible tear. This girl is so dramatic I love her. And I love the mom of our group also. These two are the only reason I feel like coming to school.

"It's so cool here. I really don't want to go to Saket branch." Nimisha exclaims. It's true though. We saw this coming since our seniors went to other branch as well for Grade 10. And we hated that branch because of our bad history during inter-branch matches.

"I wonder how the boys of that branch will be" Pooja mentions with a smile.

"Why does that matter?" I say. I don't understand why girls act weird around guys. They are just another weird species.

"Don't you think it's high time you like some boy, atleast a crush" Pooja says to me resting her elbow on my shoulder. "Look at Nimmu, she is so happy in life" and we both look at her and Nimisha is blushing.

I sigh seeing these girls. "You guys know right I don't believe in love and all. It's stupid"

"It's not stupid and all. How would you know when you have never liked someone" Nimisha says with a glare.

"I don't have time bros. I rather study instead sit and talk to some boy or think of some boy all the time." I mention. The bell rings and we all take our bags.

We all walk through our school campus for the last time. Those corridors, the ground, the benches where we write bullshit with pencil, those washrooms literally everything will be missed. Even though we are still in school but we have been in this campus from Grade 5.

"Bye bye Malviya branch" Pooja says waving at the bus.

"Okay ladies see you after a month at Saket. Enjoy your vacation" Nimisha says hugging the both of us.

We all have a group hug and they leave to their bus. I walk to my bus and make sure we have a lot of fun. It's my last day in this bus and after a month I will have to deal with new people. God please get me to be with good people.


I love it when the character gets a big change in life when they feel like they don't need it!!

The story is yet to start!
Vote please!! ⭐️


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