Plane And Simple

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"Now boarding all passengers."

John MacNamara picked up his suitcase and made his way to the plane. He'd never taken a plane ride since his days working at Washington HQ. He knew the structure by now. He walked to first class, checking his seat, placing his bag in the overhead, and waiting for takeoff. He decided to pass the following hour by pulling out his first book, The Boy Who Saw A Star. The published version, anyway. It excluded the prologue but did include an introduction to the text, a table of contents, and a cover that John had commissioned years and years ago. He was only half-able to focus due to the influx of passengers further down the plane.

He could make out a high pitched voice, "Canada sounds awesome! Is it like America? Are they in states? Where's our seat?"

A man in a hurry marched down the aisles, a squirrel in his pocket, "Everybody move out of the way, We're in a hurry!"

Many others poured on the plane of Hatchetfield Airport, until eventually the plane began to take off. First class was decently empty, however, except for a lady sat opposite the aisle. She decided to make polite conversation, "Hello sir."

John, placing his bookmark in the book, responded, "Good day."

"I'm Georgina. Georgina Pinewood."

"Hello Georgina. My name is John MacNamara."

"Noble name. Very nice. What brings you to Canada?"

"I'm seeing relatives. A relative, anyway."

"Seeing your folks?"

"No, my stepson."

"Ah. Hatchetfield where ya grew up?"

"Yes, though I did spend my 20s in Washington. Business related."

"Yeah, work can be tricky. Where d'ya work."


"No shot! So did I. Was up in Canada, though. Can be a pain the neck, am I right?"

"Politely, miss, I don't think you know the half of it."

"That's true, different governments. But hey, it gets ya connections with people."

"That's quite true. Would you believe me if I said my friend plays golf with the President?"

Georgina laughed heartily, "Well that is a story right there. I think I'll leave ya to your business, eh? Nice talkin'."

"You too, Georgina," John returned to his writing. He was writing the 3rd installment of his novel series. He called it, 'Push The Universe Back,' a working title. But he felt it was appropriate. As of then, he was typing up the back of the book.

"Galacco is on his last stand! Watch as Marco and Susanne take hold of the Universe Core, and save the multiverse from total collapse." John felt it was clichè, but he was already 2 novels deep. It wasn't time for a dramatic tonal shift.

John, by now, had plugged his headphones in. He listened to this 'Needy Beast' band he'd heard so much about in Hatchetfield. He found it surprisingly pleasant, albeit not very subtle. He spent the ensuing hours reading, listening to music, and writing. He found it an enjoyable experience. Plus, he had the actual visit to Canada to look forward to. John hadn't met his stepson since.. since..

since ever.

John, thinking about Bradley being officially "missing in action", realised he never actually met his stepson, Bradley's child. John had of course heard of him, but only a few weeks ago did they ever reach out. They were friendly, of course, but there wasn't much of a connection between the pair. Perhaps it was grief. Some others might call it apathy. But John called it a happenstance, in hopes that he would be able to connect with his stepson. Because who else will? The poor boy had no family left.

John's train of thought was interrupted, when he heard a voice through the music. Georgiana was looking across the aisle, and asked John, "You doin' okay over there?"

"Yes, thank you, I'm just thinking."

"Well, we gotta kill the next hour somehow. I'm readin' a book."

"I used to love reading. What book?"

Georgiana looked to the cover of what she was reading. It was an old book, slightly worn out, half of the front page missing entirely. The title, "The Boy Who Saw A Star," was still perfectly visible.

John remembered his own book, but decided not to open that can of worms, even if Ms. Georgiana seemed perfectly polite. He'd had enough retrospecting for one plane trip. He lied with omission, "I think I've heard of that one. Back in the old days."

"Oh, old days, new days, what does it matter? We're here right now, that's what's most important."

"..You're rather wise."

"Why thank you, John. You know-"

Suddenly, there was a crashing noise from the back of the plane. John looked out of the window and all he saw was a strange blue smoke. The plane began filling with the same smoke, oxygen masks dropping from overhead. John looked to Georgiana in a panic, she reciprocated the look. The plane came flying down, none aboard conscious to witness it.

Except two people.

Out of the corner of John's eye, before he lost his head, he saw a tall lady and a bearded man stood at the back of the plane.

A deep voice spoke, "It's done."

A feminine voice responded, "Yes, General."

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