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It'll start off with Eris being order to the tower to speak to you about something important that you have to say to her.

This will be kinda of the same timeline of Destiny 2 but it'll branch off into its own thing. Like shadowkeep and the witch queen, and beyond light will all be different in its own way. It'll start after the forsaken.

As for you reader🤗 I've never done a reader x character story. So if I fumble on something's I'm sorry😕 and this is for fun.


Celebration and cheers fly high around all of the last city, though it has been three months since anything has truly happened. I can't stop thinking about Eris, I know she left but I want to be with her again. Slaying Crota was long ago, but it made us so close. My feelings for her grew and it's been there since the beginning of time, I've sided with her throughout everything that I could be. And she left, though it is understandable. I wish she would've brought me with her.

I've heard news of her coming back, I need to see her. I want to see her. With Ikora barely giving me any word about this, I've found out myself. When I confronted her, it was all supposed to be a surprise or something else she wouldn't tell me. But darkness has risen once again, it's restless. I see it itself in my dreams, it keeps me up when I try to get my sleep. The insomnia I struggle with is insufferable. It sucks, but I get flashes of this dark pyramid. The darkness awaits

Darkness (Eris Morn x Female reader (gxg) )Where stories live. Discover now