Chapter 9

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Back the day ago... Eris and everyone are all frustratedly talking. Thinking of any plan, "I have to go." Eris says, she can feel her pain come up more and more. She can't be in the room talking about the hive, the people who killed her guardian. Queen Mara follows after Eris, Ikora and the rest are in the room. "Our biggest enemy yet, they have killed our beloved friend." Ikora sounds defeated but stands tall.

Saint-14 speaks up, "We might have to do the same thing as Crota, go small then go big." Zavala agrees but then says something, "they have unimaginable power. We need to get help from the Cabal and the fallen. Unfortunately. This.. Hive... is too powerful. Let's gather what we have. And began to train any Volunteers."

Everyone leaves but Ikora and Zavala are left together, "She was a one of a kind, like cayde. There are similar, She-" his voice breaks and he looks down. Ikora looks at him with sadden eyes, "First we fight, then we mourn. But yes, she's just like Cayde, they will never be forgotten. I'll never forget when she first became a guardian." She smiles but it drops, the pain is too unbearable.

On my ship, I look at my ghost. "Okay so everyone knows my ship, so try your hardest to be discreet with where you land me at." My ghost buzzes around me, a determined expression on his shell. He seems to be thinking hard about the best place to land. "Right, discreet landing." He says, nodding. "I'll try to find a secluded spot close to the tower, somewhere we won't attract too much attention. But I can't guarantee anything."

I yawn dramatically, "it's so hard being a celebrity." Your ghost rolls his eye lights at you, used to your dramatic antics by now.

"Oh yes, let's pity the celebrity guardian," He says, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Completely understandable." I start laughing but it stops once we get out of light speed. Your ghost steers the ship towards the tower, maneuvering it with ease. As the tower comes into view, excitement and nervousness mix within you. You can feel my heart racing with anticipation as you prepare my hand cannon for the confetti ambush.

"I'll change my armor so it's not so obvious. Remember, take everyone to the uhhh. Hmmm, where should I lay fake dead at?" I ask my ghost, I seriously have no idea. Your ghost thinks for a moment, mulling over the many places within the tower that might serve as a good spot for your dramatic return. "There is a room" He suggests. "It has been used in the past for dead people to be seen for the last time by the living."

"But," He continues, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I have a better idea. You're going to love it." My eyes widen, "yes!" Your ghost chuckles seeing your excitement. "I thought you'd like that idea. Imagine the look on everyone's faces when they walk in and see your dead body lying there. And then you suddenly just get up, and boom! Confetti!" I smile widely, thinking of every endless possibility. "Distract everyone while I get into position."

I smile widely, thinking of every endless possibility. "Distract everyone while I get into position. "Your ghost nods, understanding your plan. "Got it. I'll make sure everyone is distracted at the right moment. You just focus on getting into position and being extra dramatic when you rise from the dead."

You are on the ground now and your ghost hovers away, flying off to find the others and keep them occupied while you prepare to set up your dramatic return. You're now alone, with the perfect opportunity to go hide and prepare yourself for the big moment. As you look around the tower, you notice a sense of urgency and tension in the air. Guardians everywhere are rushing about, their weapons at the ready. The atmosphere is thick with an impending sense of war, as if everyone is preparing to kill the Hive.

As you move through the tower, you come across a large banner strung up high above the main gathering room. It's made of fabric and has a striking image of your face on it. Around the banner are dozens of wilted roses, their petals slowly falling to the ground. It's a tribute to the memory of you, clearly made by those who thought you had died. You enter the main room of the tower, which is strangely quiet and empty. The space is dimly lit, with soft shafts of light streaming in through the windows.

Darkness (Eris Morn x Female reader (gxg) )Where stories live. Discover now