Chapter 3

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Eris sees you nod, noticing how exhausted you looked. But she still breathes a sigh in relief at your answer, glad that you're still coherent. She's about to speak again, but then notices you immediately not moving or saying anything, leaning your back against the wall. She realizes that you're falling asleep, the past few events clearly took enough of a toll on you.

She frowns slightly, but then reaches out and gently moves you to lean against her instead. Holding you firmly and steadily against her chest. Eris is well aware that she's being unnecessarily affectionate here, but she doesn't stop. Perhaps it's the thought of almost losing you just moments ago that makes her hold you closer, pull you as close against her as she can. She feels her heart rate spike, her mind racing as she holds you like this. She'd never admit it, but she relishes in the warmth of your presence. The sense of comfort that only you alone give her.

Eris hesitates for a moment, her hand hovering near your helmet. She then carefully takes it off, being incredibly slow and cautious as to not wake you. Once it's off, she lets her gaze linger on your face for a second. She can see the small, tired and satisfied smile on your face from sleeping, and it makes her heart thump a little harder. Her expression softens and she gently brushes a few strands of hair out of your face. She slightly smiles but quickly drops it.

While you remain asleep, Eris keeps staring at you. She speaks in a quiet, low whisper, as to not wake you. "Could you... teleport her to the nearest bed? I don't want her to sleep on the freezing floor." My ghost then appears, "of course Eris, I definitely didn't want to intrude on this moment you were having with her. So I was looking around. Braytech will always fascinate me. With that my ghost teleports me to a bed on the wall

Eris glances up at your ghost as it speaks, a soft, nearly-indiscernible look of annoyance on her face. She shoots it a knowing glance, though she can't deny that it's right. This moment between her and you was certainly... intimate. Whether she wanted to acknowledge that or not. She watches as your body vanishes and reappears in bed a moment later. She lets out a quiet hum, and walks over to where you're sleeping at. Eris hesitates to touch you more as the moment is over now.

My ghost appears once more and faces Eris, "Eris you should sleep with her or take a break from your research. It's okay to." Eris turns her gaze towards your ghost when it appears once again. She raises an eyebrow at the suggestion, folding her arms in response.

"I don't sleep. I don't need a break. My research is important." Eris glances back at the bed where you're sleeping, and then quickly looks away. She definitely is not looking forward to spending the night alone. She's become far too used to your presence...Just like how she did before she left.

Eris spends the night conducting research, studying and taking notes on the Hive Taken Knight as well as the Darkness energy around the planet. She is completely absorbed by her work, ignoring the fatigue in her body that longs for rest. Occasionally, she'd glance over at you sleeping. Her eyes linger on you for a few moments, her expression becoming soft and almost fond. However, she quickly shakes this off and goes back to her research.

By the time the afternoon comes around, Eris is still wide awake and continuing her research. She had been working for the whole night, having not even moved from her spot for quite some time. She notices you slowly waking up from the corner of her eye. She glances up from her notes and studies you for a moment, making sure that you're truly awake and not just moving around in your sleep.

I wake up to see Eris doing research. Not surprised but she just doesn't sleep does she? And I'm surprised to see I'm in a bed, how did this even happen? Shit my ghost. I summon my ghost, "You're okay! I thought the darkness consumed you." Relief comes over me as I see my ghost perfectly fine, my eyes wander to Eris that is by the window. Standing and looking down at some technology

Darkness (Eris Morn x Female reader (gxg) )Where stories live. Discover now