Chapter 14

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Eris can feel your gaze on her, and she struggles to keep her composure. She can feel her heart racing, her stomach fluttering, but she tries to keep her expression neutral. She can see the look in your eyes, the soft, almost dreamy expression on your face, and it makes her feel all sorts of things. Mara and Drifter are watching the two of you closely, their expressions growing more and more amused with each passing moment. I totally forgot my helmet was off because of the way Eris was acting when I was staring at her. Normally nobody can tell, because I normally have my helmet on. I look away embarrassed

Eris notices your embarrassed expression and she can't help but smile a little. She knows that you probably forgot you had taken your helmet off, and she finds it endearing and cute. Mara grins and elbows Drifter, clearly enjoying the display. Picking up Drifters habits. "Looks like someone can't make it more obvious." she says quietly, but not quietly enough for you not to hear it.

My ghost turns around and sighs, "I bet you weren't listening." His eyes squint, I shrug and smile nervously.  Drifter and Mara chuckle at your response, clearly enjoying your nervousness. They're both grinning widely, enjoying the sight of you blushing and fidgeting under everyone's gaze. "Looks like someone's got it bad." Drifter teases, elbowing you playfully.

My ghost whispers to me, "I'm so close to outing you to Eris that you have liked her since day one. Listen or else." He threatens as he is annoying, but I can't help but to slightly smile. Mara and Drifter can see the conversation between you and your Ghost, and they exchange glances, looking entertained. Eris also sees the interaction, and she raises an eyebrow in curiosity. She can't help but wonder what your Ghost is saying to you, and she can't help but feel slightly nervous at the idea of overhearing something she's not supposed to.

"Basically you want me to go to the leviathan and talk to him." I try my hardest to remember what he said, "right ghost?" Your Ghost rolls his shell, clearly frustrated at your lack of attention. He sighs. "Yes, that's essentially what I said. And you would know that had you been paying attention." He says pointedly. Mara and Drifter giggle, clearly enjoying your Ghost's sarcasm.

I start walking, "we have a war to fight you know. We should start walking to recruit these loser cabal." Mara and Drifter exchange glances, looking amused at your response. They know that you're trying to change the subject, but they decide to play along for now.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get moving. We've gotta convince 'Ol Calus of our plan." Drifter says, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"What's the problem old man?" I say looking at him with a smile. Drifter grins at your lighthearted comment, clearly amused by your audacity. "Oh, nothing much. Just the fate of the universe resting on our shoulders, and the fact that we have to deal with the most egotistical Cabal out there. Nothing major, really." He says, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

As we all walk together in a group. Valen goes to my side, "Hey Y/N. What I said was wrong. And I don't want you to be mad at me, I got so caught up in the moment." As the group walk together, Valen approaches you and apologizes for her previous comments. She looks guilty and sheepish, clearly regretting her words. I just roll my eyes, she did hurt Eris. I don't take those things so lightly, "Just..Give me time to forgive you." I say and she nods respecting my words

You respond by Telling her that you need time to forgive her, and she nods, showing that she respects your feelings. Meanwhile, Eris walks a little behind you, listening to your conversation with Valen. A part of her is secretly pleased that you didn't just immediately forgive her. She knows how much respecting others means to you. I look back at Eris, knowing I want to talk to her. "You guys go ahead real quick." I say as I pull Eris to side.

Eris looks surprised as you pull her to the side. She glances back at Mara, Drifter, and Valen, who look back curiously, before turning back to keep walking. Her expression is a mixture of concern and curiosity as she looks up at you, wondering what you want to talk about. "Eris. What Valen said. I uh." I look around nervously

Darkness (Eris Morn x Female reader (gxg) )Where stories live. Discover now