Facing Consequences

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The trio crossed over the Hylia River without difficulty, but by the time they turned to follow the road south, Arn had requested that they slow their pace to a walk. He was beginning to look drawn, and the humidity near the border of Faron seemed to be taking a toll as well, as he was sweating profusely. He'd gone mostly quiet, and Kyta did the same, only occasionally prompting Zelda to tell them stories to keep Arn occupied- though, she didn't tell the princess that was her goal.

They were a ways into Finra Woods when Arn started to zone out and slide sideways in his saddle.

Kyta rode right up close and supported him, getting both Cricket and Truffles to come to a stop. "Zelda," she said, sounding a bit alarmed, "I think Arn needs to rest."

Arn shook his head. "We've gotta get Zelda to the spring," he protested, but his tone was slurred and unfocused.

"Oh Hylia," Kyta mumbled, pressing her hand to his cheek. He closed his eyes and almost toppled clean over, leaning into the cool of her fingers.

"His wound is infected," Kyta said, already unwrapping the bandage. The puffiness, discoloration, and heat around the wound told her everything she needed to know. She looked around. "I know some remedies from this area- I think I'll have to lance it, but I want to try to numb the skin first. Zelda, can you get him off the horse?"

Zelda nodded once and hummed in acknowledgement before climbing off of Safflina and helping Arn off of Truffles.

Arn had his eyes closed now, brow furrowed with discomfort. "Leave me," he mumbled insistently, squinting his eyes open. "Link needs you, I'm slowing you down-"

"As if," Kyta said dismissively, already rummaging in the bushes. "I'll want to boil and strain these leaves to make a solution to bring his fever down later, if necessary- for now, we want his body to keep fighting, as long as we can let it..." she disappeared into the trees, still talking to herself, and Zelda led Arn and the horses to a small clearing to make camp.

Kyta set about making medicines as quickly as she could, mashing and then boiling several types of plant leaves and stems together and then carefully spreading the results around the wound once they cooled.

"I think it's working," Arn managed. "It hurts less."

"It's about to hurt more," Kyta said, and she began lightly, carefully feeling around the swelling. Arn hissed and squirmed in response, and Kyta looked at Zelda. "Pin him down. This will be unpleasant for us all."

Zelda nodded and went around to Arn's other side so she could kneel gently on his opposite arm and pin his shoulders at the same time.

Kyta pulled a small dagger off her hip and began slowly lancing the wound, gauging the depth she'd need to clean out as she went, while Arn arched his back and cried out, thrashing.

Kyta much too calmly pinned his arm down and continued, cautiously encouraging the wound to drain. After a few minutes, it looked a bit better, if messy, and Kyta cleaned the wound and applied a disinfecting compound she'd been simmering before wrapping it in a clean bandage.

"Best I can do," she said. "We need to sit him up and hydrate him."

The girls did so, and Arn whimpered a little as his arm moved wrong, making Kyta and Zelda both flinch. They got fresh water and strained and boiled it (Kyta insisted) before cooling it for consumption, refilling their waterskins while they were at it.

They stayed put for the rest of the day. Arn's color did seem better, and his fever began slowly dropping on its own, which seemed to make him all the more impatient to get back on the road.

Kyta shook her head when he brought it up. "You'll stay right where you are," she said firmly.

"Then go on without me," Arn countered. "If I'm on the mend, I can take care of myself. You should get Zelda to the Shrine of Courage."

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