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"Let's get going then sweetheart."

3rd person
Mia stands up and brushes herself off. She had bits of glass and blood on her from the aftermath of what Tom did. She looks over at Charlotte, who is struggling to get up. She puts one arm out and the other on Charlotte's forearm. "Link arms with me sweetheart. I'll help you to the ambulance." She says giving Charlotte a wink. Charlotte looks back with a slightly scared look. Mia nods and smiles to reassure her. Charlotte grabs Mia's forearm back and links her other arm through Mia's. She know that Mia is just doing this to be nice but something about being close to Mia, their arms touching, makes her freeze up. She feels a lump in her throat and butterflies in her stomach as a blush creeps across her cheeks.

Charlotte's perspective
Mia is so sweet, she's so kind and my god is she beautiful. I look up at her and see she's staring right at me smiling. I can tell she's just trying to reassure me by smiling and honestly it's working. I feel safe with her. "Mia..." I whisper as we walk towards the ambulance. She looks up and hums in response, "Will you ride in the ambulance with me? I know you probably don't want to leave your car here but I don't want to be alone." I say, heart pounding out of my chest. "Of course sweetheart. Did you really think I was going to leave you alone like this?" She says softly with her eyebrows raised.

I try to step into the ambulance but can't quite reach without losing balance. Mia looks at me with her arms out. I nod and she kneels down wrapping her arms around my thighs. She lifts me effortlessly and places me down in the ambulance and climbs in after me. My heart is racing. 'I wonder if she goes to the gym...' I think to myself.

Mia pulls AirPods out of her bag and passes me one. She takes her phone and opens Spotify. "Which playlist? I'm not sure what vibe you're feeling right now." She says looking at me. She brushes a hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. I start to blush again and try to cover it up with my sleeve.

Mia's Perspective
Charlotte raised her sleeve to cover her face. I could tell she was nervous around me. I can't blame her, after all the things she's heard about me I'd be nervous too. "Umm this one." She says pointing at my gay pop playlist. "Are you sure you're straight?" I say giggling. "Shut up, I just have good taste." She says rolling her eyes. I put my playlist on shuffle as the ambulance starts to move. Charlotte yawns and blinks slowly.

I stare out of the window thinking about my day. How I almost didn't go to the party, the fact I met Charlotte for the first time, how Marjorie told her all the shit I've done and how despite all of that, Charlotte kissed me. I'm sure she only did it because she felt comfortable around me and I'm okay with that. I can't deny that she's probably the most stunning girl I've ever met but if I can even become her friend, I'll be happy. I sigh and listen to the music. Suddenly I feel something on my shoulder. I turn to see Charlotte asleep on my shoulder. I can't help but smile and blush a little. I shake my head and turn to one of the paramedics, "Is it okay that she's sleeping? I know you're supposed to stay awake with concussions but we've been out all night and now this you know. She's very tired." I say puzzled. "Yeah it's fine. As long as she doesn't stay asleep for more than 2 hours." The paramedic replies. I nod and look back at Charlotte. She looks so peaceful. She snores a little and I giggle quietly.

After 15 minutes of driving and Hayley Kiyoko, we arrive at the hospital. I lightly tap on chars shoulder to wake her up. "Heya sleepy head, we're here." I say with a smile.

Charlotte's Perspective
I open my eyes to the sound of Mia's soothing voice. God I could get used to that... NO STOP IT CHARLOTTE. I rub my eyes and stretch but my arm hits something... Or someone. I open my eyes quickly and see my head is leaning on Mia. I jump up and slide away from her. Oh my god how long was I like that for?? Mia starts to look at me funny, "Hi sorry, just tired." I say. I had to say something!

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