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Monday Morning

Charlotte's Perspective
The nursery is always a mess on Mondays. We're usually short staffed and tired from the weekend. I dread coming in on Mondays. I step out of my car, lock it and walk into the nursery. "Hello my love, you alright?" Marjorie asks smiling. "Mhm." I hum and start to walk away. I'm still angry at her for how she acted this weekend. I'm not one to hold grudges but after what happened, I feel like a different person. "Oh Charlotte one more thing," she says. I turn back around and stop. "You're not working here today, you're at the sister nursery." My eyes widen. The sister nursery. Normally I hate working there but I'm actually excited because I get to see her. Mia. "Oh okay." I say walking back out and getting into my car.

I pull up at the sister nursery. I sigh and look in my compact mirror to touch up my makeup. "Shit my hair looks terrible." I whisper to myself as I tie it up. I take a deep breath. "It's just Mia. You don't need to be nervous. You don't even like her!"

I walk into the nursery and go to the office to ask what room I'm in. "Hey Reece. Marjorie said I'm working here today-" I stop walking and stare. Reece and Mia are kissing. She pushes him off her and sits at her desk. "Oh hi Charlotte!" Reece says chuckling. I try to talk but no words come out. "You're in the baby room." I nod and turn around and start walking down the hall. "Wait a second Char!" Mia says jogging behind me. I turn around and look at her. "Yeah?" I say trying to hide my jealousy. "Do you wanna get lunch together? Today when you're on break?" She asks smiling. "I'm actually gonna go back to my nursery for lunch to eat with Carly." I say. It was a bold faced lie but I can't sit and eat with her after seeing THAT. "Oh... Okay." She disappointedly says. "See you later then." She smiles and walks away.

Mia's Perspective
Just my luck. The one time I kiss Reece all week, Charlotte walks in. I sigh as I sit down at my desk. "What's got you in such a huff?" Reece asks, walking to my desk. I look up at him, "Nothing. I'm fine." I say smiling. He nods and walks back to his desk. I tap my foot on the ground and look at my watch. 8 more hours of this. I roll my eyes and put in my AirPods. I press shuffle and K. by Cigarettes After Sex starts playing. I open my laptop and hum to the song while I type away.

Later on

Reece stands up, grabbing his wallet and car keys. "Where are you off to?" I ask still typing. "Marjorie's nursery." He says closing his laptop. "Oooo Marjorieee!" I say mocking him. "Haha very funny." He says rolling his eyes, "I'm not going there to see her, I'm going to eat with Carly." He starts walking towards the door. Huh I guess Charlotte was lying then. I can't believe I messed this up because of bloody Reece!

Charlotte's Perspective
Once it hits noon, one of the staff members come in to cover me for my break. I head out and make a b-line for my car. I just want to get out of there as quickly as possible. I see Reece walking towards his car as well. "Hey Reece where you off to?" I ask. "Why is everyone asking that? I'm going to eat with Carly!" He yells across the car park. "Who else asked?" I say laughing. "The janitor for one, Mia asked and now you!" He yells rolling his eyes. Shit. Mia knows I was lying. I look inside my car and shake my head shutting the door. I decide to go back inside.

I walk into the office. "You still wanna go for lunch?" I ask, fiddling with my wedding ring. "Yeah of course!" She smiles, jumping up and closing her computer. We walk out of the building together and hop into my car. "Your car is so cute!" Mia says smiling. I look at her and roll my eyes. "What? It was a compliment!" She says confused. "You may as well have called me poor!" I say laughing. She looks at me and rolls her eyes. I start my car and she plugs her phone into my aux chord. Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley starts blaring through my speakers. "Oh my god I haven't heard this song since I was a kid!" Yell over the music smiling. "It's one of my favourite songs of all time." Mia says smiling. She starts fiddling with her rings.

We pull up at an Italian restaurant and head inside. We sit at a table and order our food. She continues fiddling with her rings. "You okay Mia?" I question, smiling. She looks up from her hands and into my eyes. "Yeah I'm just surprised you asked me to lunch." She says softly. I look at her and sigh. "Honestly, I wasn't going to but after talking to Reece I did." Mia looks up at me confused. "What did he say?" She asks. "He told me he was going to eat with Carly and that you asked where he was going. As soon as I heard him say that I thought about that fact I lied and realised it was petty. I'm sorry." I say looking away from her. "It's okay. I don't blame you to be honest, I would've done the same if I saw you kissing a lad." She laughs. I look up confused. "Why do you think it was about that?" I question. "I saw your face when you walked in on me and Reecey." I look at her and look down at my hands. I shouldn't be jealous I don't even like her. I don't even like women. I don't want her. I keep telling myself that but I can't stop thinking about that kiss. I almost tried to sleep with her. What the fuck is going on with me??

Mia's Perspective
A waitress walks over "Lasagne?" Charlotte raises her hand and she places it down. "And carbonara for you-" she says turning to face me. She looks me up and down and winks. She walks off and I look at Charlotte who is giving her a death glare. "Don't worry Char, I'm not interested in her." I say lifting my fork up to my lips and taking a bite. "Haha uh um what- what do you mean?" She stammers, eyes wide. "You're cute when you're jealous." I wink and smile. He face goes bright red and she buries her head in her hands. I can't help but giggle a little.

We sit and eat together while we talk about our days so far. "So Marjorie walks up to me and acts like nothing had happened. I hate being rude to people but I was really short with her. I feel terrible about it but I'm so upset with her!" Charlotte says, sticking her fork into her lasagne and placing her other hand on the table. I look at her and put my hand on hers. I smile at her and she smiles back. I could sit like this forever.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" I hear a yell from behind me. I look over my shoulder. For fucks sake.

A little cliff hanger for you lot but I'm sure you can guess who it is ;)
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