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The cold grip of winter had tightened around Maplewood, blanketing the town in snow and transforming the park into a winter wonderland. Natasha bundled up in her warmest coat, scarf, and mittens before heading out to her favorite spot—the old oak tree. It had become a tradition for her to sit beneath its branches, even in the cold, to feel connected to Warren. Today, however, her heart was heavy with worry.

It had been three weeks since she’d last heard from Warren. Their steady stream of letters had abruptly stopped, leaving her with a growing sense of unease. She had written twice since his last letter, but there had been no response.

Natasha sat on the bench near the tree, pulling out her notebook. She opened it to a blank page and began to write.


**Dear Warren,**

I hope everything is okay. I haven’t heard from you in a while, and I’m starting to get worried. The park looks beautiful covered in snow. I wish you could see it. Emily and I made a snowman near our tree yesterday. We named him Frosty, of course.

Please write back soon. I miss hearing about your new adventures in the city.

Your friend,


She carefully folded the letter and slipped it into an envelope, addressing it to Warren's new home in the city. As she walked back to her house, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no reply from Warren. Natasha’s worry turned into frustration, and she found herself thinking about him constantly. What could have happened? Why wasn’t he writing back?

One afternoon, as she sat in her room staring at the memory book they had created, her phone buzzed. It was a message from Emily.

"Hey, want to come over and watch a movie? It's too cold to be outside."

Natasha sighed and replied, "Sure. I'll be there in a bit."

At Emily's house, they settled in with popcorn and hot chocolate. The movie played in the background, but Natasha found it hard to focus. Emily noticed her distraction.

"Natasha, you seem off. Is everything okay?" Emily asked, concern in her eyes.

Natasha bit her lip, debating whether to share her worries. "It's Warren. I haven't heard from him in over a month. We used to write letters all the time, but now… nothing."

Emily frowned. "That does sound strange. Have you tried calling him?"

Natasha shook her head. "No, I only have his new address. He didn't give me a phone number before he left."

Emily thought for a moment. "Maybe you could try contacting his parents. They might know what's going on."

It was a good idea, but Natasha hesitated. She didn’t want to seem intrusive or worry Warren’s parents unnecessarily. Still, the silence was becoming unbearable.

The next day, Natasha decided to act. She found the address book her mother kept in the kitchen and looked up Warren’s mom’s number. With a deep breath, she dialed the number.

After a few rings, a familiar voice answered. "Hello?"

"Hi, Mrs. Anderson. It's Natasha," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I hope you’re doing well. I was wondering if I could speak with Warren. I haven't heard from him in a while, and I'm a bit worried."

There was a brief silence on the other end before Mrs. Anderson replied, "Oh, Natasha. I’m so sorry. I thought Warren had told you. He’s been in the hospital."

Natasha’s heart dropped. "The hospital? What happened?"

"He had an accident during soccer practice. It was quite serious, and he’s been recovering. We didn’t want to worry anyone back in Maplewood. He’s doing better now, but it’s been a tough few weeks."

Natasha felt a mix of relief and guilt. Relief that Warren was okay, and guilt for not knowing what he was going through. "Thank you for telling me. Can you give him a message? Tell him I’m thinking about him and that I miss our letters."

"Of course, Natasha. I’ll let him know," Mrs. Anderson said kindly.

After hanging up, Natasha sat down, her mind racing. She felt a pang of sorrow for Warren, imagining how scared and alone he must have felt. She grabbed her notebook and began to write another letter, this time pouring her heart into every word.


**Dear Warren,**

I just spoke with your mom and heard about your accident. I’m so sorry I didn’t know sooner. I wish I could be there with you. Please get better soon. We all miss you here in Maplewood, especially me.

Remember, you’re not alone. I’m here for you, even if I’m far away. Write back as soon as you can. I’ll be waiting.

Your friend,


As she sealed the envelope, Natasha felt a sense of resolve. She knew their friendship could endure this challenge, just as it had endured the distance. She would be there for Warren, even if only through her letters, until he was well enough to write back. Their bond was unbreakable, and she would make sure he knew that.

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