You regret the breakup

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Your skin yearns for his warm touch.

The small goosebumps that'd scatter along your arms while he'd hold you close.

You had convinced yourself this was for the best.

You no longer needed Luke and Luke no longer needed you. You continue to tell yourself as if it's a routine.

If you really didn't need Luke or loved him anymore then why did you need to repeat this to yourself everyday?

You still loved him. No matter how many times you repeated to yourself the complete opposite, you loved Luke.

A wave of regret comes crashing down onto you. You try to block it out but somehow it passes through your weak defences and enters your veins.

You recall the breakup.

It was if you were falling.

Falling, falling, gone.

Luke was holding on. Trying to keep your fragile relationship together.

You were barely trying. You'd lost all hope. Every opportunity to recover your lost relationship you ignored. And as time passed, you gave up. You let go and let the only things left of your relationship sliped through your fingertips.

Luke saw it happening. He watched it happen right in front of him.

How you'd deny his touch. Turned away at his kisses. Replied with a simple 'yes' or 'no'. Curled in a small ball instead of wrapping yourself around him.

He forgot the scent of your long hair.

He didn't know what your laugh heard like anymore.

He missed your contagious smile.

And you didn't even notice.

Maybe you were just so tired. Tired of only seeing him for two weeks before he's half way around the world again. Tired of receiving calls while it was three in the morning. Tired of having to try for something that was killing you.

But here you are. Missing the one you so carelessly ignored.

No matter how much you it was killing you, it kept your heart beating, the warmth in your eyes, the love in your heart.

You never realised how much you needed Luke before he was gone.

And so now, you sleep all curled up again, you don't speak to anyone and you start give up all over again. And this time, it's all your fault.


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