You're on your period

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You never really were one to feel big cramps while you were on your period but you would be seriously moody and constantly feeling irritated or annoyed.

You're sitting on the couch and cocooned in a large blanket feeling extremely uncomfortable. Not even Keeping Up With The Kardashians can cheer you up. Staring at the flickering screen you hear a door slowly open and muffled voices.


As the familiar voices get close enough for you to make out who they are you soon realise it's they boys.

Usually you'd be filled with excited. Hugging all of them and offering them a quick snack while making small talk, but that's when you're uterus isn't brewing a storm because you're not pregnant.

"Y/N!" The boys rush towards you and jump on the couch landing side by side. A soft frown starts to appear on your forehead as your irritation starts to grow.

"We met some fans today, they were so funny." Calum begins chatting, tugging at your blanket. You slightly smile in return and continue staring at the bright tv.

Why, why, why. Why now Mother Nature?! Couldn't you come tomorrow?! You internally scream at yourself.

Luke comes up behind you and places a light kiss on your head.

"Hey babe." He silently whispers into your hair.

"Hey." You let go of the breath you unknowingly had been holding. You feel yourself start to relax at the simple touch of Luke before one of the boys interrupt.

"I'm cold." You hear Ashton start.

"Yeah same." Michael replies. You already where this is going. Before you know it the only thing keeping you warm and half sane is violently ripped off you and there are four boys hysterically laughing beside you.

"That's better!" Ashton cheerfully yells with a grin on his face.

You quietly cuss at them and turn back towards the television.

"Oh come one Y/N it's just a joke. Here!" Ashton throws a small cushion towards your face and your hair slightly flies up from the small breeze. You rearrange your hair and stand up. You throw a sarcastic smile their way and head to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Luke yells out while facing his phone.

"I'm making a cup of tea!" You say a little too annoyed and your mask of 'happiness' peels off.

"This is probably the wrong time but can you get me some chips while you're at it? Please, please, please!" Michael begs you.

This is it. The last straw. They interrupted KUWTK, they stole your warmth, they threw a pillow at your face and now they want chips? Maybe you're over reacting? No. You're currently bleeding into a piece of cotton of fuck's sake. You have every right to be angry let alone over reacting.

You grab your hot mug and briskly walk to your shared bedroom with Luke. A frustrated sigh leaves your mouth as you settle down into your bed. You can feel the warmth creeping into your legs as you start to gain feeling in your toes.

"Guess it's time to go guys." You hear Luke telling the boys.

Thank God I chose the one with the brains as well as the looks. You think to yourself.

The front door creaks as Ashton, Michael and Calum leave.

"Have fun!" You hear them call out while they giggle. You feel absolutely disgusting and to make everything better you start to feel a burning sensation in your abdomen. Here come the cramps.

The warm berry tea slides down your dry throat and slowly begins soothing you. Your eyes become heavy and you start to lose control of your eyelids.

"Babe," you suddenly open your eyes and adjust yourself against your soft pillow. "I should've know. Sorry." Luke has a guilty look on his face but you immediately forgive him despite the growing cramps. You let out a soft chuckle and place your mug on the wooden bed side table.

"I ran a warm bath for you but I guess cuddling is just as good." He smiles as he steps into bed with you. "Come here."  Luke wraps his warm arounds you as you fall asleep.

"I'm sorry we interrupted your show." He almost silently whispers.

"I can watch it online." You chuckle into the pillow.

"I love you- even if you want to murder me once a month." He mumbles as he pulls you closer into him.


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